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Submission + - Suspect in This particular language shooting attacks clicking after raid, shooto (

vixxpauk writes: ""His radicalization came about in a Salafist ideological group and has been firmed in place by two journeys he designed to Afghanistan and Pakistan, " the within minister said.The break inside the 10-day manhunt for ones gunman came if your Yamaha motorcycle trader in Toulouse recalled an adolescent man asking methods to disable the GPS DEVICE tracker on this 500cc T-Max moped, which officials said have been stolen and repainted.President Nicolas Sarkozy is intending to address the u . s . on Thursday. His office released the next statement"
The Internet

Submission + - IPv6 day: June 6. What's new this year? Leave it on. (

uigrad_2000 writes: Last year's IPv6 day was extremely successful, in that there were only a few reported cases of surprises, many that resolved themselves after the first hour. So why did participating companies go back to their old ways after the day was completed?

This year, the plan is to make it "IPv6 launch day". Time Warner and Comcast promise to have have 1% of their customers on IPv6 by launch day this time. Many of the large websites that registered IPv6 addresses for just one day plan to keep them permanent this year. After 20 years of planning, it looks like it is finally going to happen!


Sun Blasts Another CME At Earth and Mars 66

astroengine writes "On Friday, the sun hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) at our planet that sparked a strong geomagnetic storm and beautiful aurorae at high latitudes. Late on Sunday (EST), the sun unleashed yet another Earth-bound CME after an M9 flare erupted over a particularly active sunspot region — the CME is expected to hit Earth on Tuesday and Mars on Wednesday. This series of flares and CMEs have ignited the strongest period of solar storms since 2005, according to an NOAA space weather advisory."
Operating Systems

Linux Kernel 3.1 RC 2 Released 209

sfcrazy writes "Linus Torvalds has announced the release of Linux kernel 3.1 rc2. He said '300+ commits for -rc2 is good, but please make me even happier for -rc3 by ONLY sending me real fixes. Think of it as "fairly late in the -rc series," because I really want to compensate for the merge window being fairly chaotic.'"
The Courts

Eulogy For Groklaw 70

akgraner writes "When I got up this morning, the news was all over Facebook and the free software news sites: Groklaw, the site that was influential in the SCO legal cases, will stop publication on May 16. It's news that I hear with decidedly mixed feelings."

Comment Re:Motorcycle (Score 1) 887

Another motorcycle commuter here when the weather permits.

When it doesn't permit, I drive my car to the train station, catch the train, and then take the free Central Area Transit (CAT) bus to my work in West Perth (Western Australia).


RIAA Can't Have Defendant's Son's Desktop 283

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "The RIAA's attempt to get Ms. Lindor's son's desktop computer in UMG v. Lindor has been rejected by the Magistrate Judge. The judge said that the RIAA 'offered little more than speculation to support their request for an inspection of Mr. Raymond's desktop computer, based on ... his family relationship to the defendant, the proximity of his house to the defendant's house, and his determined defense of his mother in this case. That is not enough. On the record before me, plaintiffs have provided scant basis to authorize an inspection of Mr. Raymond's desktop computer.' Decision by Magistrate Judge Robert M. Levy. (pdf)"

Apple TV to be a Centrally Controlled P2P Network? 165

Rolgar writes "PBS' Bob Cringely theorizes that since the Apple TV will be an always-on device with a 40GB hard drive, Apple may move to content distribution via a P2P network. The ISPs will incur higher bandwidth locally, possibly lose some subscribers to cable TV, but have fewer costs through the Tier II Internet backbone providers. Bob also expects that Google will be involved with their fiber network and advertising expertise, and my hope is that they'll bundle in YouTube content as well. The article suspects that they won't get around to announcing the full details of this plan until they hit a half million units or more, and that this Apple and Google pairing will become the equivalent of a cable TV provider with almost none of the infrastructure costs. Eventually, he hopes, we'll see a real HD revolution from Apple and Google for this service." If Apple rolled something like this out to the service, would you bite on it? What would it take you to move to this over Tivo or MythTV?

Building a Silicon Brain 236

prostoalex tips us to an article in MIT's Technology Review on a Stanford scientist's plan to replicate the processes inside the human brain with silicon. Quoting: "Kwabena Boahen, a neuroengineer at Stanford University, is planning the most ambitious neuromorphic project to date: creating a silicon model of the cortex. The first-generation design will be composed of a circuit board with 16 chips, each containing a 256-by-256 array of silicon neurons. Groups of neurons can be set to have different electrical properties, mimicking different types of cells in the cortex. Engineers can also program specific connections between the cells to model the architecture in different parts of the cortex."
Portables (Apple)

Submission + - iPhone 3rd party development support petition

Alex Speller writes: According to :

"Apple's major competitors in this space (Palm, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile) were given a thorough drubbing by Steve Jobs during his latest MacWorld keynote. But all of these platforms allow easy, open 3rd-party development by developers large and small. Even the vast majority of non-"smart" mobile phones allow the installation of mobile Java applications, including complex games. In the case of Palm, it is possible to develop and distribute applications with no licensing fees and no software investment. As a result, the thousands of free and shareware applications developed by the community are largely considered the platform's biggest asset.

The software included with the iPhone is incredible, with functionality and user interfaces far superior to the standard software included with any other handheld. But as amazing as it is, it's just not enough. With a tiny investment, any smartphone can be enabled to edit Office documents, connect to chat networks, read electronic books, manage a diet, and play games. All of these activities would be better, easier, faster and more enjoyable on the iPhone, so it breaks our heart to know that, if Apple maintains its closed stance, none of this potential will be realized. "

Electronic Art Changes to Suit Mood of Viewer 66

BFlatSeven writes "Reuters reports that 'British and American computer scientists have developed artwork that changes according to how the viewer feels. Special software picks up facial cues and adapts the color and brush strokes of the digital image.' The University of Bath has some pictures of the painting in action as well as a video and an abstract written by the creators."

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