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Comment Re:Screw the American auto industry (Score 2, Interesting) 305

In China, there is no UAW, which costs auto-industry billions of dollars. There are no real minimum wages, ...

So you would be happy driving a car that is, to an extent, built using slave labour ? I suspect that the answer would be "yes" if it means that it costs you less — just as most people are happy wearing clothes similarly made using slave labour, but this time in Bangladesh & similar.

Comment Formost it will be worse than that (Score 1) 123

The average (I assume that they mean "mean") will be skewed by the income of the top 1% which have a vastly greater income than the common person. This skew is getting worse, a trend that I expect to continue, so the "common man" will be much worse off than 1/5th of today's income.

Comment Re:Nah (Score 1) 56

I hate supposed explanations of something which are a video of a talking head. Having something written down is much better if done properly. The problem is that getting ideas across is hard, few people can do it effectively. It also takes time to do right. Some of this will be useful, much of it will not be.

Comment 'Google was asked "to not publicize the request."' (Score 4, Interesting) 169

Ignoring any argument about the legality of the court order: I do understand a desire by FBI to keep this secret while they are doing their investigation. However: once this is done then Google should be mandated to disclose the request. I want this as it keeps the government/FBI/... honest, it stops them doing fishing expeditions that are morally/legally dubious. This disclosure (eg putting on a web page somewhere) should be required for all such information requests after a suitable period.

The government will fight to not do this but unless we know what they do how do we trust them ?

Comment Re:Crank physics (Score 5, Insightful) 243

Ugh. Don't give this stuff exposure.

On the contrary: look at what he is saying and then try to show why he is wrong. An emotive reply of "he contradicts currently accepted ideas" does not advance science much. Finding flaws in different explanations makes the current model stronger.

We know that the current model has holes in it, for instance it requires dark matter & dark energy - which we do not understand. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, these will be explained or shown to not be necessary by some tweaks to the current model -- but quite possibly by big changes to the current model.

Comment Too much Javascript (Score 1) 110

Too many web sites fail to show anything/much if Javascript for them is blocked. The result is that I will often go somewhere else.

Javascript is great to make a web page slicker but should not be needed just to see it. It is done for the web dev's convenience not for the web surfer's experience. Efficiency seems to be a concept that many developers today do not understand.

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
