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Comment Re:VR is a fad (Score 1) 84

Quick question, have you seen any non-entertainment application that requires 3D flatscreens? Now have you seen non-entertainment applications that require VR?
I have seen a bunch that requires VR, from PTSD treatment to controlling drones remotely. VR is here to stay, it might be niche for a while but I believe it will eventually make your TV obsolete.

Comment EOL procedures (Score 1) 434

The real problem is that Google has no EOL procedures and because the OS is "free" they can get away with it. If the older versions still received security updates everything would be just fine. From my (limited) experience the android SDK makes it very clear which version of Android you are building for and that allows devs to choose what they want to support easily without much hassle.

Say what you want about microsoft but they support their OSs for years after the initial release.

Comment Re:People have been talking about this for years. (Score 1) 434

They don't refuse you, they just don't take the time to port it to your phone. In fact I believe all android phones can be unlocked and you are free to install cyanogen on your phone (at the risk of losing warranty), while Apple has been trying to make you a criminal for doing it.

Comment Re:Wow. Just wow. (Score 2, Informative) 325

This is just plain wrong, I am Brazilian and my mother is a teacher in São Paulo state public schools and the situation is horrible, what you see overseas are the high school grads that went to private schools in Brazil, the average citizen can not afford to go to school overseas even if they qualify (and they don't because they do not speak any foreign language) because some costs are not covered (visas for example).

What you are seeing is just the upper middle class latin americans leaving their crappy country for something better, they are the ones that can afford decent education. The situation for the ones that stay is really, really bad. Most public high school students would fail a basic reading test, in fact so many people fail the (very easy) drivers license written exam that it is common to hear histories about bribes to pass them. Americans complain about creationism taught in high schools, we complain about people not being able to do basic math.

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