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Comment Re:These are analogous to successful GRACE pair (Score 1) 42

2) One of the fascinating things about GRACE, that has proven more exciting than would have thought possible, is that the Earth's gravity is a function of time. GRACE is able to detect when large areas of earth are saturated with water, or changes in ocean currents, from the change in gravity. The Moon probably doesn't change at all. If they do detect changes, though...that would be exciting!

I wonder what will happen if they find a strong magnetic anomaly near Tycho crater?

Comment Already been done (Score 1) 141

Trade chat in World of Warcraft during the Superbowl or World Series or World Cup. Heh. (Of course, IRL I doubt I would have *any* of most of the people that troll trade chat in WoW over to my house, at least not without a plan to dispose of their corpses).

Comment Re:If your ./ user number is 5 digits or less... (Score 1) 582

Most managers are idiots. Sorry but thats the reality.

Not necessarily, but I do agree that few of them are as good at what they do as the people they manage, at least in the tech world - only companies I've found who break that rule tend to be exceptionally good places to work (and rare). The "old" HP for example.

Of course I exaggerated the management aspects of my times as a lead, so that helped open the doors

So you lied.

Saavik: You lied.
Spock: I exaggerated.
-- "The Wrath of Khan," stardate 8130.3

What's next, murder?

Overstating the depth of my management experience (as a tech lead and systems architect on large projects) is akin to murder? Tell me, what color is the sky on your world?

Oh I forgot, many people lie to each other as a matter of getting through the day. And no one sees a problem with this?

Welcome to the Human Race, Mr. Spock.

I'm happy for you - but management? Couldn't you find something honest to do?

Unlike, say, a deathcamp guard, management can be an honest occupation if you choose to make it so. I take it as a primary function to get the best out of my staff and try to be sure they have fun and rewarding times doing so. That means keep all the company BS off of the people I manage, and to stay the hell out of their way for the most part, listen to the complaints (and act on them when possible and reasonable), and fight for them when it comes to things like working reasonable hours and flexible schedules, realistic timelines (still havent forced any upper management to choke that down yet) and sane work estimates. As a manager, I regularly take ass chewings, seldom give them. Praise in public, correction in private is the way to go. And please do recall - I manage as a STOPGAP when the coding well is dry, as it tends to be when you are an "older" coder. I much prefer engineering a system and beating on a keyboard (preferentially on a Linux box, with little more than ratpad UI, bash, vi and gcc) to sitting in endless conference calls, meetings and death by powerpoint. I am convinced that PowerPoint causes rational and cognitive degeneration, based on observation of management meetings. But managing does pay the bills and sliding into management has gotten me past layoffs, when its become necessary to go over to that side of the house. I don't enjoy it all that much, but management experience is good to have and understand when your primary job is a tech lead, lead coder, or systems architect/engineer; it lets you know what kinds of games are being played behind the scenes and you can sometimes look like a clairvoyant or (to continue with the Star Trek riffs), Mr Scott. RIght now, I am working as a "software systems engineer", which gives me some management duties (mainly budgetary for hardware for our lab, and the sys admins), but I still get to code even if it is mainly hacking together scripts and little C progs the programming staff is too busy to deal with (I'm threatening to use Scheme just to be abstruse). And that makes me happy enough, and pays the mortgage and the retirement fund. For us lower digit user number types, staying "in the tech" is becoming increasingly rare and difficult.

Comment Re:If your ./ user number is 5 digits or less... (Score 1) 582

Come on over to the dark side (management)... I've done that as a stopgap between coding projects, when necessary. Of course I exaggerated the management aspects of my times as a lead, so that helped open the doors, and one of my employers actually paid my tuition and books to go back to school at night and get an MBA. But I'd still rather be learning, designing answers to problems, and then coding them.

Comment Re:What about Guam? (Score 1) 97

It has more bandwidth running through it than Hawaii. Is that for the world's largest K-Mart?

One explanation is the US Dept of Defense. Guam is a large military logistics center

Another point is that Guam is legally US territory, so US law applies there, whcih can be handy for certain commecial ventures, as well as for military/defense/intelligence data transit

Plus Guam looks to be a handy location in terms of landing a cable there as a reshape/regent/retransmission (3R) redistribution point prior to going back into the water (look at the geography)

Input Devices

USB Foot Controls 123

MojoKid writes "When it comes to controlling your favorite PC title, you've got a few options. There's a mouse. There's a keyboard. There's a control pad and the joystick. Now, there's one more option apparently. Keith McMillen Instruments (KMI) announced today the SoftStep KeyWorx multi-touch foot controller, the world's first foot controlled digital interface. Available for Mac and Windows, this controller sits on the floor. The company claims that it has multiple uses for gamers, video editors, programmers, data entry professionals, disabled people, repetitive stress syndrome sufferers, etc. It's both pressure and location sensitive, USB-powered, and contains ten fully customizable keys that remember up to 100 sets of commands for repetitive tasks."

Comment If they actually accomplish this impact (Score 1) 419

... then they are dead. Government and other types will come down on them like a ton of bricks. Recall that only a week ago they used a SWAT team on defaulted student loan - what do you think they will do with these losers if they do disrupt important government and economic activity? They will possibly be shot dead if they do this. But that's nto the worst part: they will be giving the government all the excuses they need to take tight control of the internet, destroying net anonymity and controlling access. Damned fools. If anyone knows anyone that is in Anonymous or Lulzsec and who is planning to take part in activities, do us all a favor - beat them in the head with a shovel until they change their mind.

LulzSec Teams With Anonymous, In Operation AntiSec 419

c0lo writes "After a brief spat where the notorious Anonymous hacking collective sniped at Lulzsec, the 'upstart' hacking collective, for crowing about low-rent Denial of Service attacks on the CIA and 4chan websites, the two groups have apparently teamed up in operation Anti-Sec. The operation's 'top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Prime targets are banks and other high-ranking establishments. If they try to censor our progress, we will obliterate the censor with cannonfire anointed with lizard blood.' We can only predict that the following will be unpredictable: store canned food and flash batteries, change your eBanking password daily."

LulzSec Offers to Take Revenge On Sega Hackers 244

An anonymous reader writes "Sega Corp joins the ranks of video game companies to be hacked in recent time with one small twist, it seems LulzSec was not behind this one. They reached to Sega's official twitter account and offered to destroy the hackers that attacked them. From the article: 'In its offer to assist Sega, the Tweet from Lulz hinted that its leaders might count themselves among a small but highly loyal group of gamers who still play on the aging Dreamcast console. "Sega - contact us," Lulz said in its Tweet to the video game developer. "We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you. We love the Dreamcast, these people are going down."'"

LulzSec Phone-Bombs FBI and Blizzard 404

Revotron writes "Anonymous hacker group LulzSec has begun to harness the power of the crowd in their latest griefing attempts. After a day of numerous DDoS attacks on a handful of famous MMOs, LulzSec's phone lines lit up with an estimated 20 calls per second. Using a fairly simple phone redirect, they sent all of their incoming calls to various offices, among them the FBI office in Detroit, Blizzard Customer Support, online retailer, and most recently, the corporate offices of HBGary." Update: It looks like they also brought down the CIA website tonight, but it is up now.
United States

Senate Passes 4-Year Re-Up of Patriot Act Provisions 422

Bloomberg News reports that, as expected, today "[t]he US Senate approved a four-year extension of provisions in the USA Patriot Act allowing law enforcement to track suspected terrorists with roving wiretaps. ... The measure goes to the House for final passage before being sent to President Barack Obama for his signature. The surveillance powers would be extended until June 1, 2015." The story mentions that the Patriot Act powers this approval includes would extend "to so-called 'lone wolf' suspects who aren't affiliated with any terrorist group."

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