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Comment Re:Wavelength (Score 4, Insightful) 205

Considering the Team page ends with:

"In Memory of Levi Felix, Co-Founder of Digital Detox and Camp Grounded, whose passion and prankster spirit continually inspires us"

and that the people leading the project are "Scott Blew" and "Ivan Cash" (so they're even telling you that you "Blew Cash" on the product) I would lean more towards this being a mild scam or an Andy Kaufman style hoax.

Comment Re:Amazon doesn't do quality control (Score 1) 91

In fairness they have a directly curated product supply chain, as well as an incentive since they purchase the goods till its sold (or so I would expect).

The only way that sort of checking would happen, is if Amazon were required to purchase the goods sold and then resell them, instead of just acting as a middleman/facilitator.

Comment Re:Lucky guy (Score 2) 118

So I think he lived his life just the way he wanted to: Making just about everybody uncomfortable, disturbed, and/or freaked out.

Way too true.

Was at Dragon*Con one year when he first started coming. I'm not sure if they didn't have an autograph table ready for him, or if he was more popular and ran out of time in the table they HAD set up.

His solution was to take a table and chair and go sit in the lower lobby and just form a line and do it there.

It was funny watching the staff being torn between "he can't do that" and "he's Harlan Ellison ... how can I help him" (since its a fan run convention). They ended up working it out and figuring out how to make it work, but it was very funny to watch and he was having a ball interacting with people (and not really caring what they thought).

Comment Re:How About "Good Enough"? (Score 1) 525

In fairness, I'm sure Data-Centers would still like improvements as they spin up VMs. For your average laptop/desktop/portable user though? Yeah, we're in the age of appliances for computers (or should be).

Heck, I'm running a laptop from 7 years ago (replaced the HDD it came with for an SSD 2 years ago). Is it the shiniest and sparkliest? No, but it works.

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