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Comment Cost Implications (Score 1) 383

This is what your senior managers are often most concerned about.

The way I see it you need to figure out how much it costs the business if function X breaks. If the network fails, how much does the business lose per day.
Let's not forget there is an additional cost if the usual staff cannot do their work, time lost to restore backups etc.

Now factor the cost of getting some adhoc help via an external company in case of emergency. Eventually the network will fail and if you alone cannot fix it you'll need help.

Hopefully you now have some *realistic* and yet scary figures. You need to figure out what sort of resiliency the network has and what is the likelihood of a total catastrophic failure. The less redundant the setup, the higher the chance.

Bring this information to the relevant people and demonstrate how these risks are lowered with additional headcount/equipment.

If you have more than 5 minutes to think about this I'm sure you'll expand on this line of thought and come up with something even more polished.

Comment Tired of this nonsense (Score 5, Insightful) 548

Every time we complete some sort of cycle, discover a new tribe, a new people, new nation or continent, new media, new format, new distribution whatever, there's always this stupid witch hunt. -Oh no a person is saying/writing/portraying things I don't agree with, this must stop right now. Democracy is bad. Censor that shit right away! -burn all those books.

To make it worse there's this pseudo fanatical craze to get rid of nudity with a passion but violence? not so much. somehow nudity is worse...reminds me of the MPAA rating system. Sure you can show blood, but the naked human body? are you out of your mind?!

This is always the problem with controlled distribution, formats and media. Someone decides what's best for you.

Comment Apple's Next Move? (Score 1, Funny) 791

Naturally, to appease the current problems with connectors and cables that differ across apple's product range a new cabling standard is needed to across the board.
I humbly suggest Apple will create the iCable. This magical cable will come in in two varieties, the iCableS and the iCableC. (The C version will of course be in different colours.)

The benefits of the iCable are many; it will support the latest Apple standards, enabling best-in-class functionality and transfer speeds. furthermore, it will create a new market for existing licensed manufacturers to create new adapters and will serve to push users into more upgrades and accessories as none of their previous cables will be usable. Not forgetting that the new cable will be totally useless with their existing devices.

The iCable will allow us to bring back those great office conversations of "Do you have a phone charger? -Oh no I need an iPhone charger."

Let's be fair, is there really a doube of why Apple is slowly losing out of market share in the smartphone wars?

Comment Re:Why do we bother with the barbarians? (Score 1) 537

This is where your suggested approach fails; if we have no relations with them and we isolate "barbarians" they will most likely only come to reject us and never learn any better. Like the odd kid in the school, if everyone shuns him there's a higher chance he'll become a bitter, resentful loner.

Comment Ultra reaslitic games (Score 1) 288

If I wanted a game that I had to do a 9-5 and be scolded by my boss when I was mouthy to a customer I'd just go to work.

Part of the reason we play games is because we can do unrealistic things. Sure, run around town, shoot up the place and drive off in a car you;d never be able to steal, let alone afford.

Perhaps what they should concentrate on is educating children and young adults about real life consequences and how video games differ from real life.

Comment A good firm message (Score 1) 86

Let's face it, europeans complain of the inhumanity but are not willing to do something about it. The bitch and moan that the US is the world police but of course are shocked that the US will not bankroll an expedition to liberate Syria.

No with a US that has bark but no bite due to the Russian/Chinese muzzle we can just nod and smile as the only solution remaining was achieved. The solution?
The line that cannot be crossed was trampled so in response we'll tell them they were naughty and take away some of their toys.

The hardline message; Just use some chemical weapons and give them up later. (Hide some for emergency use of course)

This is a rather impressive own goal for the US/UK after the hard talk proves to be hot air.

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