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Comment Forever growth (Score 1) 65

This is exactly what happens in late stages of the cycle. You grow through innovation, expansion, market disruption etc and then efficiency, vision, market position until eventually you just have to post next quarter's profits because you already sold the service or product to anyone and thing you could. More more more...and eventually you plateau because companies cannot grow forever and increase profits forever so some star becoming very focused on the immediate profits and their bonuses and the rest can go to shit. This post will age well.

Comment Not us gov (Score 1) 127

...we was doing it all by the book honest but them pesky workers cut corners. I guess when there's no quality control process or that process is severely flawed as to not introduce randomised checks to find unforeseen or unexpected issues...but really we're talking many many months years maybe of absent or flawed governance. Hey, are senior execs also considered "workers"? Cause it's possible they skipped things too.

Comment Great news! (Score 3, Funny) 93

Previously I wondered if I'm really supporting some poor artist by buying their story telling voice but now that I know it'll support an AI engine I feel compelled to make a purchase!

I'm so excited for the future! I can't wait for AI to read to my children at night and alleviate the awkward young adulthood conversations I might need to have.

It also occurred to me that AI can replae a lot of anti-social "data driven" managers. We'll just have AI to tell you that you can do that task in 20% of the time!

In my next post I'll ask ChatGPT to post for me so I can automate my sarcasm. AI is gonna be great I can feel it!

Comment Harley Davdison (Score 1) 305

Now that's a good example of failing to adapt, getting help to ban foreign imports and keeping Americans paying more. If Japanese bikes were allowed to compete fairly that overweight dinosaur would have become extinct. Capitalism is the western way. Let the market decide what's best. I'd buy Chinese or cars produces by AI synths if I thought the product, quality, value etc was right. If the US makes great cars why fear "inferior" Chinese ones? "Let them come!"

Comment Great news (Score 1) 144

If you are an obese male I am happy to inform you that; the odds are that I will outlive you, I will have a better quality of life doing so and I will have sex with more good looking women than you. Clothing options are just icing on that cake. In most cases being fat is just poor discipline. Yes some people have conditions and blah blah blah but MOST obese people are just unable to stop eating vast amounts of crap or put the bloody fork down. No pity. No excuses. Wanna stop being a mountain of lard? Start here, today, now -> Every single time you want to eat processed food or sugary eat an apple instead or drink water or go for a long walk etc. Remove temptation. Chuck the crap "food" out. Wanna get really radical? If it has ingredients it must go. Stick to raw veg and plain cooked quality (that's organic in the US) meat only. No bread. No rice. No magical bloody cod liver extract BS - basics veg and plain meat. Read the Diet Whisperer. It'll educate you.

Comment Apple's fair cut (Score 2) 53

If they have to share 30% of the tips maybe they also have to share 30% of the discussions stemming from the use of the app leading to a business profit as well?

Apple could argue that the business or project would not have existed unless via its app.

I'm waiting for when apple sue me for being happy without paying them. After all their magical devices made me happy so that's 30% too no?!

...or perhaps this was all just a sarcastic way for me to ask "when are obscene profits enough before you lose objectivity?"

Comment Re: Brexit didn't help (Score 1) 224

You're so wrong. Now struggling families can eat sovereignty and be proud less culturally similar, educated Europeans come to the UK. I fly the flag because I'm just so proud. ...oh and the "liberal elite" are now also poor and unhappy.

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