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Comment Use their tracking agasint them (Score 2) 147

Just fill out false information, post pictures that are not you, tag things incorrectly, feed the bots dust til they choke.

If you think about it's possible to loop their own ads back to them...just help spread the advertisement.

They agreed to these conditions when they accept me as a user.

Comment What's this "deniers" garbage? (Score 0, Flamebait) 422

Once upon a time if you denied say the holocaust then it would put you in a very bad light because of mountains of evidence of something that has obviously happened. It was fact and to deny the series of factual events would be shameful at best.

We have climate change as a hot topic. The climate changes, fact. I don't know of any climate change so called "deniers" that deny the fact the climate changes.

The supposed denial is in the disagreement about how the climate changes. Some say the poles will melt and the world will be covered in sea water in X time. We argue about X time....we also argue about Y influence of humans in this mix and the Z rate at which some of these changes occur.

More things we argue about; such as the supposed infallible proof that this is not 'seasonal' on a geological time scale and how much of this is outside of the influence of humans.

Things that muddy the waters are inaccurate readings, flawed methodologies, the numerous times equipment malfunctioned and gave incorrect measurements etc.

I wish we had the ability to film ice loss 9000 years ago, would giant ice sheets falling scare everyone? if we had measurements to show one thing or another would we think the sky is falling?

Ice "loss"...reason to be concerned? -maybe. Is this not a normal cycle by which the ice sheet thins and shrinks over very long cycles of years? is it possible that something like this never happened before and yet not because of gas guzzling 4x4??

Please forgive me if I do not immediately stop using fossil fuels etc.

I get labelled with "denier" because I disagree with some assessments, theories and assertions.

So let me just say this one more time; I do not disagree that the climate is changing. How it is changing, at what rate and because of what is subject for debate amongst experts as well and even that is not a fool-proof indication because guess what you can have a large group of so called "experts" and they can all be wrong. Best make up your own mind and risk being an "expert opinion denier".

Comment Oh, so now they have money! (Score 4, Interesting) 202

Look, over there! -A financially successful venture.

Why do they have millions? that's not right 'they' should take all the money away or wikimedia foundation should give us stuff, because.

Sure, we didn;t envy them when it was just a concept considered shaky at best. We didn't envy when they were struggling or were on the verge of collapse...

But look, over there, they have money! -they should have dust, or little else because *anger*, just because.

A few bucks for a rainy day, or an expansion etc. always easy to count costs for someone else and what they should and shouldn't do with money that is not your own.

Have a coke and a smile. Say, 'heck few people thought this will ever make money, now it did even though it was not created solely out of greed. Congratulations and well done!'

Comment Makes no sense (Score 2, Insightful) 429

Older people have families, experience and have been around the circus before.

Young programmers are much better. Firstly they often have nothing better to do. Their living expense tend to be lower and they often cannot tell when they are being screwed over for pay until they are are feeling the shaft for a couple of years.
They have no family commitments and when the big boss man smiles and asks if you can do this one extra thing for the team you say "sure boss!" and not "My boy has this thing at school..."

Why hire old programmers? they question the logic, they see through the corporate bullshit, they won't work for peanuts and often cannot do overtime. Forget that they actually know what their contract means and exactly what you can and cannot get them to do. They are not cool. They don't any Justin Bieber songs and they don't play COD.

Why bother with those old people when you can have fizzy drinking kids willing to bend over backwards? -code quality? -efficiency? -less re-work? most managers have very little grasp of how those looks like & those people make "suggestions for the business".

Old old as 40...they are practically dying already, why hire their kind? -makes no sense I tell you.

Comment I hear ya cous (Score 4, Insightful) 509

Of course, if you get the camera slapped out of your hand while being tazed and the officer then claims you assaulted him who's gonna film it?

Just how many cops have behaved inappropriately and have remained on the force. How many messed up or plainly did wrong and are still earning your tax dollar?

Idealistic talk is nice...facts on the ground is another thing.

Land of the free...yeah right.

Comment Keep the foreigners at bay! (Score 1) 442

At least until the locals catch-up to the market requirements...or else they risk being put out of a job because they cannot compete.

Let's not forget that foreigners lower average wage because they are willing to work for less.

Better to make sure they cannot enter the US so they can go elsewhere for a long enough time for the US not to be a destination for talent any more.

OMG competing for resources and needing to be useful at a competitive rate, the shock, the horror. Think you can do better? think you deserve more money? prove it by doing better and getting paid more...or keep blaming greedy corporations and "foreigners stealing jobs".

If companies cannot get the talent in guess what? they'll outsource what they can, move away if possible. Demand is the driving force, supply is the solution to meet demand.

Application quotas will not drive the US forward it will instead ensure it gets left behind.

Comment The terrorists win (Score 1) 161

IF we cannot body scan you
IF we cannot read your emails
IF we cannot read your medical records
IF we cannot detect your location
IF we cannot determine your political beliefs
then one day that will become
The terrorists win IF we cannot read your mind

Because if you're innocent why would you want to hide anything right? because data collection agencies, corporations and the government have done such a stellar job making sure that information is handled ethically and protected privacy in an adequate manner, right?

How is that load of bullshit working so far? -when will draconian security measure applied without cause or reason be seen for what they are?

There is always be those that use violence to influence, no amount of snooping and big brother shit will ever change that.

Comment Re:That explains a lot doesn't it? (Score 1) 894

While your examples are obviously extreme to illustrate a point one can lobby peacefully. If you cannot wear your favourite religious clothing item to go to school then go to a different school.

Better yet, lobby to change the law.

Dictatorships and oppressive regimes aside, France is not comparable to WWII Germany or the nazis. That's a step too far.

The beauty of democracy and why it's so much better despite it's numerous flaws is that everyone has a voice. Where is my voice under religious rule?

You wish to protest your right to practice religion? do so!

If god was really so offended he'd come down from heaven and smite us. Please leave the smiting to him lest you take up his roll in the name of what you can accept.

Comment That explains a lot doesn't it? (Score 1) 894

Why have religions of various kinds have been mostly declining over the years and why some Christians shun the church!

France is a law abiding country. The law is above religion. The law protects freedom of expression as a fundamental right.

There is not fundamental right of "respect". If you are offended that's too bad, perhaps it was wrong of the other person to offend you. At the same time being dishonoured or disrespected at no point allows anyone to take action in the form of violence.

Why are my beliefs not protected in religious countries? -because they differ and thus deemed wrong. Religion has no tolerance in a modern world. Perhaps 2000 years ago it was thought of as peaceful but not today, it is outdated and no longer needed.

All these religious outrages cause is to show how they have no place in society and that people should abandon thousands of years of fairy tales for reason and acting reasonably.

If you do not like what is written somewhere, don't read it. If you don;t like what's on a TV show do not watch it. No one is forcing you to be "offended".

Richard Hawking was so right when he questioned why must we "respect" religion. Does religions enshrine respect for my beliefs?

Even smart people can believe stupid things and believing violence is a correct or even expected response to being offended is stupid indeed.

Dear pope; how many times should one turn the other cheek? -Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" 22: Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven..

Religious people are not pious or better morally, they are flawed and dumb like everyone else, biased towards their own beliefs and cherry pick what works for them when they want to anyways so all this talk of peaceful religions is nonsense.

Comment Social media absolutely helps terrorists (Score 1) 228

There are actually a few other things that help terrorists;

Mobile phones, telephones, radio waves, email, speech, pens, paper, smoke signals...actually who is this idiot?

Instead of arresting social media site owners, forums users and people with "illegal thoughts"; let's arrest all the senior officials that new the GCHQ are spying on their own via the NSA and arrest senior NSA officials for knowingly spying on their own via the GCHQ.

You cannot talk to these people because they are "at war" like so many radical groups against different ideas.

When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

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