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Comment Re:All or nothing (Score 1) 228

settle down Beavis, I may have been exaggerating a lot but I guess you are too much of a nit picking fuckwit to see the actual point I was trying to make. One rough start or one stall is fine with just a clutch and a junction yes but my point is that the other "Driver assists" could easily cause a pileup if you jumped from one car to another and it had different assists or none at all. Imagin jumping in a rental and trying to work out just which functions you have to do and which the car is going to do for you if they differ from one model to the next. Suddenly the one rough start doesnt seem so bad.

Comment All or nothing (Score 2) 228

As a UK resident I have been brought up with mainly manual gearboxes on cars, on the odd occasion that I drive an automatic for a while the moment I go back to a manual I inevitable stall at the first dozen or so junctions as I have forgotten to use the clutch. While this is a minor inconvenience in the case of an automated gearbox it has the potential to be fatal when scaled up to other "semi autonomous" functions. I think we either have a car with no human input at all or a manual car otherwise people jumping in and out of cars with varying autonomy will start assuming the car will take care of differing things. If some cars brake for you and other models don't what sort of confusion is going to ensue?

Comment battery is everything (Score 1) 130

I just had Apple "genius" refuse to replace my battery due to it not being an original Apple one so I had to go out and spend a whole £13 & 15 mins replacing my own iPhone 6S battery, now it lasts 2 days again and is as fast as the old 7 I gave to my daughter. 8, 10, xs xr x? I really am not surprised by the lack of sales, phones have just hit the same ceiling as gmers PC's did 5-6 years ago. "Good enough" As an avid gamer and less avid phone fan I can say the pressure on us to upgrade our PC's and our phones has gone away, its only the perpetually stupid or rich who even bother with both now.

Comment The stents do actually work (Score 2) 273

As someone who suffered a heart attack in 2014 at the age of 45 due to clogged arterys and subsequently suffered 6 cardiac arrests on the way to and in the hospital (I still have the paddle burns to prove it) I can confirm that so far the stent they had to fit to allow my heart to continue working does appear to be doing its job. I was informed at the time that the main contributor to the artery clogging was smoking so I gave up there and then. As much as everyone would love to have a diet that required no excercise to keep healthy I think that is only available in a coma or stasis, the rest of us really need to think about what we eat and excersise enough to burn it off and stay fit. Stop being told what to and what not to eat and simply use a little common sense.... oh and stop smoking, it really is pointless.

Comment Finally (Score 2) 171

The horses seem to have made a breakthrough where the Dolphins and Chimps have all but thrown in the towel. Humans are finally realising the rest of the planet has been happily communicating for years. The 60's documentary about our species interpreter Dr Dolittle should never have been dismissed so quickly as a conspiricy theory.

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