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Comment Re:Welcome to the club! (Score 1) 4

I'm about two year in (two weeks shy) and my last check (last month) said 8-9 more years at the rate I'm using it. I was told at installation that five is the average. I think the only time I'm paced any more is when I sleep, just due to my natural sleeping rate being lower than the floor they've set. I'll have to ask.

Used the card about a week after I got it due to my place of employment at the time. Haven't used it at an airport.

Comment Re:Seemed pretty obvious this was the case (Score 1) 311

Just another reminder to use strong passwords, password managers, and change them often. It's a pain, but it's the reality of the digital world.

What good is a password manager when the answers to your security questions are public knowledge?

Who says you need to tell the truth on those questions?

Q: "What is your mother's maiden name?"
A: "Purple monkey dishwasher."

Damnit, time to change the security question on the password manager for my luggage.

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