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Comment Re:Time (Score 3, Interesting) 317

Your example fails.
Electrical cars are already much cheaper than they were a few years ago. In fact every study has found the TCO of the Model-S is the lowest of any car in it's class. It's cash-price is currently at the top-end of the luxury-sedan class but it's TCO is way below anything else in the same price-range, you make a LOT back in saving on fuel and maintenance (maintenance on an electric car is much lower - even your brake pads last years longer because of regenerative breaking, and there are so many fewer mechanical parts that can wear out). There's a reason why BMW brought out the i8 for example, the other car companies can see the writing on the wall and are desperate to stay in the game.

They are also, once again, proving the futility of not being leaders anymore. While they are trying to build Model-S killers, Tesla is already seeing the Model-S as just the foot-in-the-door model, they are already working on both an economy car and an SUV model. Expect the same pattern on release, slightly more expensive cash-price when you first buy it, but a LOT more value for that money, and a lower TCO due to savings over time.

What you're describing right now is incredibly short-sighted, give it another 2 years and then you can start comparing. Based on current data, if electric cars are not the vast majority of the market in 10 years I would be incredibly surprised and I would say that for that to happen something else entirely we've not even seen yet would need to take over the market, it sure as hell won't be ICE's.
Trust me, ten years from now the only ICEs that may still be on the roads will be classic cars and long-haul heavy-load delivery trucks.

Comment Re:Price won't come down (Score 3, Interesting) 317

I would like to know why you think aluminum would make lithium obsolete ? Aluminum is more common and thus cheaper but everything I've read suggests it would be far worse as a battery source. What makes lithium such a good basis for a battery is that it has an atomic weight of just 3. It's the lightest natural metal on the periodic table. With such a small atomic weight - it's density is immense, you can pack a gazillion lithium atoms in a tiny volume. In fact the only things that you can pack more off in the same volume are helium (inert and so useless for batteries) and hydrogen (likewise not useful for batteries - at least the kinds we know now, and with a tendency to explode).
Lithium is metallic, highly reactive and incredibly dense. The more atoms you can pack, the more ions you have, the more charge your battery can hold without having to get bigger.

Aluminum has an atomic weight of 27 (rounded up for simplicity). Or to put it otherwise - to build an aluminum battery with the same charge-holding capacity as my cellphone it would have to weight 9 times as much or one the same size would run down in a 9th of the time.

The only potential I see for an advantage beside cost is that aluminum has a very low electrical resistance (topped pretty much only by gold) - but I doubt this is sufficient to compensate for the massive increase in mass.

Please do enlighten me, I'm not being sarcastic - but why do you believe aluminum would top lithium other than "we have LOTS of it, so much we can waste it making holders for soft drinks" ?

Comment Re: Seriously?! (Score 1) 161

Right, which is why I added the second sentence. My point is that it could've been phrased in a manner that avoids implying Moscow is a trap, e.g. "unable to return home." I'm sure there are schools of propaganda training that are more subtle and don't pooh-pooh that sort of structuring, but at the very least it implies some restraint on the parts of the authors away from being a proverbial anti-US slant.

Comment Re: I must be old (Score 1) 87

What does that really matter? Almost by definition, a demoscene prod involves clever choices in what to make and display on screen in order to achieve an effect. I'm pretty confident the winners of the competitions for the last few years (a) don't have the same flexibility for artists working with their demo engines as Square-Enix does and (b) would never be able to assemble enough assets and people to do the facial expression stuff with anywhere near the same quality (an area in which, AFAIK, Nvidia has been almost entirely pioneering.) The achievement of this video isn't diminished by the achievements of the scene, nor vice-versa.

Comment Re: No need to attack (Score 1) 164

And the facts prove that luck was mostly good luck. There was no anger in my post your defensiveness is clouding your judgement .
My own country was a nuclear power. We gave it up voluntarily (we still generate electricity with it though). Dismantled our bombs.

I didn't ask more give a crap about whether the us is a good steward or not. I said countries should have equal rights. I said it's impossible for you or anybody else to ever have moral authority when you prohibit other countries from actions you still do yourself.
If owning nukes is legal for you its legal for Iran. If you don't think it should be legal for them then give up your own.

It's logically, morally and philosophically impossible for there a legitimate justification why the same country can own nukes and deny them to others.

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

And showing his ignorance further - most of the ice-sheet growth in the arctic is BAD news - and being caused BY global warming. Ant-arctic melt is adding fresh water to the ocean. Fresh water freezes more easily than salt water. The "growth" in the artic is a tiny fraction of the fresh water from ant-arctic ice-melt freezing over when it gets to the other pole. Most of it doesn't get that far, and it's a tiny thin layer of ice, the total ice volume is still massively down on both ends.

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

That isn't happening. It's not happening now. It's never happened with the EPA and this law won't make what isn't happening not happen in future because this law has fuck-all to do with that.
What you just quoted is the propaganda story republicans are telling to justify this completely insane law. It has fuck-all to do with the actual purpose or content of the law.

You've been lied to.

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

>So then, forcing the EPA to base that decision on publicly available science (actual peer reviewed papers and such), is fine then, right?

Which is what they are doing.
This law doesn't say what you think it says. You're an idiot for believing what republicans tell you their laws say.

If this law was saying that, and that wasn't ALREADY what was happening, then the scientists of America would be applauding the law. But instead all of the science organisations who have spoken out have DENOUNCED the law. They call it stifling research and banning perfectly legitimate science from consideration.

They are telling you the law does NOT say that. Republicans are telling VOTERS it says that, but it's NOT what it says and what you think it demands is the law already, RIGHT NOW.
What this law is about has nothing to do with what you think it is about.

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Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry up is not nailed down. -- Collis P. Huntingdon, railroad tycoon
