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Comment Re:If... (Score 2) 117

>There are a class or group of people, however you want to define them, that think no matter what the US does, says, hears, thinks, or anything, they are evil. It has nothing to do with critiques or anything but a resentment for what they think has already happened (and it may have happened too).

I won't doubt that these people actually exist, but recently we've seen "HURR AMURIKKKA" comments used to describe very real concerns people have about what snowden, manning, et all have discovered, and are simply re-itterating what they've read in linked mainstream newspapers with some shock and disgust as anyone who values living in a free society should.

As for English intellegence, anything they do is considered very relivant to the USA because they are part of the five eyes partnership.

Comment Re:Just an opinion... (Score 1) 123

except its also come out that fraud is rampant, and its well known within the scentific community, that scientists with really long lists of "achievements" are most likely fakers who took shortcuts, or used bad methodology in order to further their career.

>You know, like smart and dedicated workers earning larger salaries.

this is a myth. intellegence and dedication never earned anyone a larger salary. finding a position that pays more does.

speaking of research scentists, did you know they make next to nothing, despite working really hard, and requiring intellegence that less that %1 of the population has?

making more money than they do are people who develop shitty CSS/HTML apps with limited use to humanity.

but your definition of productive only represents dollar figures, and not true economic productivity as by what most people need to survive, and what benefits the population as a whole.

Comment Re:I smell a rat. (Score 1) 115

still thinking far ahead.

most of the time its going to be stuff they either steal or copy, without letting you know who's taken it, and they are most likely not going to do anything to you to get the passwords/keys.

uncrackable encryption protects against this.

You can use rubber hose cryptography on one person. You can use rubber hose cryptography on a handful of people.

You cannot routinely beat people for information, with anything other than a fairly obvious hard police state that would make it impossible for most of America to ignore.

Comment It'd be worth it if it did transcoding (Score 2) 502

If in addition to playing sound it had general purpose sound cards for audio proccessing and transcoding (lets say HW ogg, flac, opus, mp3, aac, etc..) exposed to the OS, it would be worth it.

Or mabey if it had a built in amplifier, with vaccuum tubes, or a XLR or 1/4 inch inputs/outputs you could jack it dirrectly into a guitar or amplifer.

Comment Re:What haven't they lied about? (Score 1) 201

there is plenty of public outcry. You here it everywhere. In every bar, in every street corner, where there are *people*. From conservatives, to liberals, to anarchists, capitalists and socialists alike.

You won't here it on the TV, the radio, but you'll here lots of it in the printed press.

This is going to make glenn greenwald's career.

Comment Re:What haven't they lied about? (Score 2) 201

I think that has more to do with how the voting system is set up, and less to do with collective ignorance.

Collective ignorance of the US population is yet more propaganda they tell us to accept their abuse of our neighbors.

We don't have a choice at the voting booth, because of systematic elimination, and exclusion of canidates that oppose the system, and systematic corruption of any that might get through.

the USA was never a democracy, and what little bits of democracy that exist in the system only date to the early 20th century (i.e. 17th amendment).

Our constitution, declaration of independence, early government, where *not* written by men of the people, crowd sourced, or in any way shape or form made by either democratic, nor popular movements. They were written by the pre-existing state governments as existed under the crown.

Not since the civil war, has anyone, anywhere, really, had any voice in opposing the system of government, and the federalists have cemented any opposition to federalism as support for the confederacy.

Comment Re:Yeah, right. (Score 4, Insightful) 361

oh yeah, your right. I mean no nerd ever killed them selves facing 35 to life for technical infractions related to accessing publicly available scientific files.

No nerd ever lost their job, and is on the run from US law enforcement for exposing unethical mass survialence and harrassment by the US Government.

No nerd was ever arrested for trying to do the right thing and exposing unethical or dangerous computer behavior.

No nerd was ever arrested for modifying his own video game system, that he bought, and then blabbing about it on the internet.

No nerd was ever targeted for being either a terrorist or a school shooter by rampant paranoia from authorities.

but yeah, your right, nerds are left alone by the system.

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