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Comment Re:Not going to happen (Score 1) 262

https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.e... Paragraph 1 of the introduction: "In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), the United States Supreme Court ruled that government could not limit corporate political spending in elections arguing that such limitations would violate the free speech rights of corporations. With this ruling, the Court has set a new standard for corporate First Amendment rights. " Long story short, the court chose to err on the side of caution, which is understandable...but it doesn't change the fact that the brand power of a corporation can have a disproportionate impact on the political process. There's no easy way to solve the problem, and I have no suggestions. I just know that it's wrong to give a company effectively unlimited voice in elections.

Comment Re:If only ... (Score 2) 228

You're so right. I absolutely love to have my precious limited time interrupted by unskippable advertising in the middle of quality programming. Please, let me pay 5 times more to have feed after feed of crappy ads for products that I don't care at all about. As long as Netflix continues to provide an ad-free on-demand experience, I'm TOTALLY cool with paying $13...$15...hell, even $20/month.

Comment Re:IIRC... (Score 1) 160

My familiarity with all of the different vulnerabilities that have been exposed over the last couple of years is cursory at best. Too much time spent on mitigation, too little on education. "Here, apply this...wait, no that one makes it worse do this...no wait, don't apply any patches...you already did? Guess you need a whole new motherboard and processor..."

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