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Comment Re:More... (Score 1) 232

You, AC, should not pick and choose only a portion of what GP said. The GP point is the "misinterpretation" of the DRY meaning.

It's often misinterpreted, in the same way you so conveniently put it, which is then used to justify some pretty awful decisions regarding third-party libraries. I'm convinced that this is the leading cause of bloated software.


Comment Re:More... (Score 1) 232

I believe 'goto' has been replaced by the 'if' statement. I believe that 'if' statements should be used very carefully.

I am not so sure about this statement. The 'goto' can be used for both conditional and unconditional branches. The 'if' statement, 'do-while' loop, and/or 'for' loop are conditional branch. If your variables are not dynamic, you may not need a branch.

Also in modern languages, you should not try to optimize or be too clever in how to style your code if the language has compiler because you don't know what and how compiler is going to modify your code. Yes, the source code may look discontinue, as long as it is clear and maintainable, it is a fair enough code.

Comment Re: Christian Theocracy (Score 1) 1168

Huh? Where are your citation links? That is a portion of the each bill that makes 2 bills look the same. They aren't the same if one has to interpret from the whole bill.

RFRA -- http://www.prop1.org/rainbow/r... -- under section 3 EXCEPTION (b)

IRFRA -- https://www.documentcloud.org/... -- under section 8

Comment Re:Modular design... (Score 1) 74

TFS says nothing about contracts, and this is slashdot so you have to assume that people will not RTFA. I blame the summary.

From TFA:

BRG is suing Facebook for theft of trade secrets and breach of contract, among other things, and asks for a jury trial. It’s seeking unspecified financial damages and an injunction to stop anyone using its technique.

It didn't say about signing, but BRG claims that they have established a contract with FB. It could be paper/verbal contract. Who knows at this point?

Comment Re:Cookie authenticated or open WiFi is insecure? (Score 2) 40

Isn't it sort of obvious that hotel networks are a free-for-all security wise?

Of course, it is obvious. If we ponder a little bit further, we would know that the main purpose of hotel is for temporarly stay, not Internet services. So can't expect the latter service quality to be secured. ;)

Comment Re: Great idea... (Score 1) 160

You do realize that by "for free" you really mean "included in your rent, which you still pay for," right?

It depends. If you could find a rental which is cheaper but you have to pay your own electric/gas for the heater, the cost could end up more expensive than the one with "for free." The landlord just help controling your spending. =))

Comment Re:Buy american only. (Score 3, Insightful) 108

Most of that information is only valuable if it's applied.

How expensive and difficult is it to apply in the USA vs China?

IBM can keep it in the USA, where it with whither in an atmosphere of economic stagnation, or sell it to China, a nation that will take it and use it in industry.

You are too optimistic about the situation. History has been shown how things go. Also, you are short sighted about the cost applied. You underestimate and assume that Chinese are too stupid to gain values from the information (or too stupid to reverse engineer) without USA? Have you ever thought of the situation could be reversed in, let say, 10 or 15 years?

Look at Trepidity post. His post nailed it. This is just for the current CEO who wants get credit right now. When shit hits the fan, the CEO is no where near by and the one in place takes all the blames.

Comment Re:What about the public? (Score 1) 135

So does this ruling apply to the public or only to government?

For example, could I legally collect Elizabeth Warren's "inadvertently shed" DNA and have it tested to find out if she really has a Native American ancestor?

Well, the case is about "a case that examines whether police should be allowed to collect and analyze 'inadvertently shed' DNA without a warrant or consent" which has nothing to do with any of those you are talking about. It is very specific on whether "police" or law enforcement can do that. Not about unspecific circumstances.

Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 538

Because you do not like her, you categorize this as breach of security? Is there really any security in politics??? Whenever someone who is supposed to run for a position in politic, any knit-picking story will arise no matter what in order to "hoo-ha" those who are opposing the candidate (and hope the story will stick)...

Comment Re:H-1B Visas Proving Awful For Americans (Score 1) 176

I suspect that the survey is bullshit

Before thinking about survey, you should go to the direct source of how the "prevailing wage" is set - http://www.flcdatacenter.com/O... Then you could see that the "price" has been set. Engineer types get higher wage than Developer and Programmer. Nothing is secret.

Whenever someone talks about H1B, many people would associate it with "Big corporation" or "Cheap labor" which is stereotyping. The intention of the program has been good, but it is abused by big corporations; thus, these coporations give it a bad name. I hope that those who have negative feeling toward the program would open their mind and learn more about what the program really is for rather than close their mind and reject everything about the program.

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