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Comment Re:Why is tech singled out? (Score 1) 441

but where are the SJ crusaders trying to get more men involved in teaching primary education.

Men who want to work in primary education are probably paedophiles, or at least will probably be accused of such, and once accused, will never be able to work again in the field unless conclusively proved innocent, and maybe not even then.

Comment Transcendence (Score 1) 352

Once we give up our meatbag bodies, a lot of the physics problems go away.
Admittedly, the tech to upload our brains into computers is a ways off, but it doesn't require amazing physics breakthroughs to get there (eg. wormholes, antigravity, FTL travel etc.).
We can send our computer brains off the planet at much higher Gs, not have to worry too much about flight time to other solar systems, and can grow and download back into meatbags at the final destination if we still desire such things.

Title aside, I hate the movie - dude, why didn't you just make multiple backups of yourself?

Comment Backup your brain (Score 1) 549

Due to the formidable problem of getting meatbags into orbit safely and cost-effectively, I suspect we'd have better luck uploading our brains into hardware that can handle really high G-forces, and roam the galaxy that way. _Much_ more efficient, don't have to muck about with food or disposal, just ensuring that there's enough solar power and what moving parts you have left aren't seized up.

Okay, okay, if you still want to, you could download back into a meatbag at your final destination.

Comment Re:Nobody has the right not to be offended. (Score 1) 1134

Get back to me when you've managed to codify 'common sense' into law. Or do you want to punish people who break unwritten laws based on what is held only in your head?
If you've manage to code 'common sense' into a machine, then I think the Nobel Committee wants to have a word with you.

Comment Real Address? (Score 2) 113

What, you put your actual address in there? Why? No one I care about would use the Whois to contact me by snail mail. And if actual authorities need to find me, then they can subpoena my billing address (or maybe, y'know, just email me and set up an appointment?)
I think mine is currently set to some hotel in Uzbeckistan. Next renewal I think I'll set it to a Yurt in Mongolia.

Comment Re:Isn't this classic anti-trust fodder (Score 2) 211

Except there's nothing stopping the publishers from opening up their own website to sell ebooks.
The barrier to entry isn't that high.
Offer them for less than Amazon, with a good user experience and people will flock to it.
ie. Pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap.

Or are you saying that Amazon has forced them into 'Most favoured nation' clauses where they aren't allowed to sell for lower than Amazon? (Like Apple did, which _was_ anticompetitive)

Comment As a reader... (Score 1) 405

I think Amazon&Kindle is great for finding authors, especially self-published authors that I'd never have found otherwise. Or even new books from authors I do like - because I'm not going to sign up to 100 newsletters to find out when the next book is.
Sure, quite a bit of self-published stuff is dross, but the 10% sample feature (usually) allows me to weed them out.
I can understand that other people may have different points of view and find the occasional typo, grammatical error or bad typesetting upsettings.
But OTOH, self-pub is often less than 50% of the price of a traditional book, and when you read ~150 books a year, that makes a difference.

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