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Comment Cost and environmental limitations (Score 1) 196

Here's an analysis written 14 months ago, pointing to the fact that we had a viable rare earths mining industry until a) environmental regulations pushed the cost; and b) China undercut pricing because they didn't have to deal with (a).

Comment Re:Use that pen Mr. President! (Score 1, Offtopic) 182

You mean his EOs to delay/change/alter the ACA? When Congress attempted to pass "into law" his EO on the delay, he announce he would veto it? It *is* good to be king. Note the 2nd paragraph here - delay that it was a bill to do what the Administration had already announced. Enforcing the law is the Executive branch's job, not changing it.

Comment government closed dealerships in bailout (Score 2) 141

2009 was a momentous/turbulent year for US automobile mfgs. When the Auto Czar decide to ram through the bankruptcy rules for GM, many dealerships were closed in the restructuring. Could others see the handwriting on the wall as a Dem administration was determining whether they could stay in business or not - even if they were profitable - and decided that Republicans were a better bet?

To be totally transparent, I'm one of the many who lost their investment in GM corporate bonds as the current administration rewrote bankruptcy law to screw secured (like me) creditors.

Comment Re:Simple set of pipelined utilties! (Score 1) 385

I would argue that there is a difference between a user application (the web browser and Emacs that you've cited) and processes that the OS depends on to function. I would be more ok with systemd if it were an installation option. It isn't exactly new technology, as AIX (System Resource Controller) and Solaris (System Management Facility) implemented these same concepts before.

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