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Comment Re: Wrong question (Score 1) 191

Because the manager works harder and is more responsible because he makes more money. Lower the managers wage and he will do less and everything falls apart. I was a foreman for a smaller construction company before I started my own business. I would have quit if I wasn't making way more than the others. Why you ask. Because I could never miss a day, I worked longer hours (up to usually 60-80 a month) if any of my subordinates screwed up I was responsible and got yelled at.

Comment Re: Perhaps not (Score 1) 598

If climate change is a fact how come all predictions have been wrong? Why does the IPCC not explain why they lied and stop this bullshit. They say trust us we will get it right one day in the meantime give us your money. There is no climate change just a bunch of hypocritical liars getting rich off stupid people like you.

Comment Re:When all you have is a hammer ... (Score 1) 132

And the scientists said the earth was flat at one time and persecuted the deniers of flat earth. Science has been wrong before. The planet of cooling according to the data (not the made up computer models) Antarctic ice is at an all time record and the arctic ice started freezing three weeks earlier than usually. Where is th "sorry I was wrong" from all the alleged scientists that predicted and ice free arctic? When science says "we believe/or we think" science has it head up it's ass and is relying on faith. Only religions rely on faith.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 4, Interesting) 520

I found the opposite everyone from relatives to babysitters liked using Linux (Debian/Gnome3 or Bodhi or Magia) and asked about me installing it on their computer. So no not just dorks like Linux, the kids with the fancy $600 phones and the grandparents like is. Although my brother-in-law phoned me last week and asked if I could help him install and configure Slackware over the phone I told him no, then told him to try Mint.

Comment Re:Outbreak, not "plague"; dont be sensationalist. (Score 1) 668

I think part of the problem is lots of people live in areas where the doctors are third world hacks that use webMD on their iPhones to diagnose patients. It's hard to trust incompetence. My kid broke his arm and after four trips to the local hospital latter I finally had to take him to an emergency room in a city two hours away after his arm swollen up like crazy and he was crying constantly. Local doctors said he sprained his elbow.

Comment Re:Middlemen: the official plague of the modern ag (Score 1) 309

That isn't the schools fault its the parents fault. You say being lazy has no consequences. I say give the little bastards a good spanking then take all their stuff away until they stop being lazy. It's not up to the school to motivate children it's up to the parents. I'm guessing your "girlfriend" is just as useless as her children and she taught them to be lazy.

Comment Re:it's going to fail (Score 0) 307

How is the imbalance caused by the one-child per family policy?
How do you carry on your family name with a female heir? If you could have two kids you could have a girl and still have a chance at a boy with your next kid. Maybe you would get lucky and have a boy the second time. A member of one of our local ethnic groups was complaining to me how he has no kids just 8 daughters and when he dies his family is gone since he is the last male in his family. You forget not everyone has your cultural values.

Comment Re:But (Score 1) 320

How much is water worth a barrel, where are the pipelines for exporting this water, who need to buy this water, do you really think the Quebec government will start draining lakes? How does all this alleged valuable turn into money so Quebec can once again become a "have" province instead of paying for their social programs from the equalization fund? Quebec also has oil and gas but your premier recently said it was better not to explore because it is better for Quebec not to make to much money so the equalization payments keep coming.

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