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Comment Re:20%? (Score 1) 113

non-compete agreements until now ...
California: not enforceable
Massachusetts: enforceable

Recently I read an article that venture capital firms [even those based in Boston] would not fund a startup based in Massachusetts because of its non-compete. They would say (e.g.) "Base the company in New York ..."

Maybe one reason why Silicon Valley is 10x the size of the the Rte 128 belt ... [Also, maybe the weather :-)]

The draconian good ole days ... https://opencasebook.org/caseb...

Comment Re:Exaggerated headline (Score 1) 69

UEFI wouldn't help your issue. You still need a device driver within the boot/bios (e.g. uboot) that can boot off the given device. On smaller systems, there may be limited EPROM, so adding a bunch of drivers doesn't make sense. And, as a workaround, you can image the SD card with whatever second stage boot loader you want, with whatever capabilities you want (similar to grub), so you needn't reflash the boot/bios.

Comment DST causes sleep and health issues (Score 1) 290

Here is a CNN article that recommends that DST be eliminated. That is, rather than going to daylight savings time year round, it recommends staying with standard time year round.

The title is: "Permanent Daylight Saving Time will hurt our health, experts say" and the link is: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/06...

It makes a number of points:
- Studies over the last 25 years have shown the one-hour change disrupts body rhythms tuned to Earth’s rotation.
- Your body clock stays with (natural) light not with the clock on your wall.
- There’s no evidence that your body fully shifts to the new time.
- Standard time, which we enter when we move our clocks back in the fall, is much closer to the sun’s day and night cycle.
- Current evidence best supports the adoption of year-round standard time, which aligns best with human circadian biology and provides distinct benefits for public health and safety.

When President Richard Nixon signed a permanent Daylight Saving Time into law in January 1974, it was a popular move. But by the end of the month Florida’s governor had called for the law’s repeal after eight schoolchildren were hit by cars in the dark. Schools across the country delayed start times until the sun came up.

By summer, public approval had plummeted, and in early October Congress voted to switch back to standard time.

A similar backlash occurred when the US first implemented Daylight Saving Time in 1918, as a way to to reduce demand for electricity usage by adding sunlight to the end of the day in response to World War I. (Studies since have found little to no cost savings from the practice.) The time switch was so unpopular that the law was repealed the following year.

The United States has tried permanent daylight saving time twice before and ended it early. The UK tried once before and ended it early. Russia tried it once, so did India and ended it early.

Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost (Score 3, Informative) 106

I'm sorry you've had such a negative experience.

But, there is more review/moderation to actions than you might suspect unless you've spent some time on the site.

Unfortunately, it can be all too common to get "knee-jerk" downvotes or [less common] votes-to-close, usually by people that don't have the domain experience to know whether a question can be improved/fixed (e.g. a python programmer downvotes/closes a C language question based on a cursory examination of the question--it happens).

I'll upvote questions that have been DV'ed if I see "itchy trigger fingers". A DV is -2 rep points, but a single upvote is a +10. So, not as big a deal for rep points. But, users without sufficient rep can only see the net total of upvotes/downvotes and not the number of upvotes vs downvotes. So, you might see a net count of -1, but not know that it got 3 downvotes but got 2 upvotes (i.e. there was a disagreement amongst the voters). OP's rep points would actually go up: ((-2) + (-2) + (-2)) + ((+10) + (+10)) for a net gain of +14.

If I see a question that has been closed, as a dup. Or "lacking in detail" and the question is perfectly answerable by someone with specific domain expertise [e.g. I can answer it], I'll vote to reopen. And, fight to get an answer for the OP (original poster).

While there isn't a review queue for downvotes, there is a review queue for close votes [particularly, if someone has voted to reopen the question].

And, I'm perfectly willing to flag snide comments to moderators. I did that for a commenter that was unfairly hammering an OP with abusive comments. I checked the commenter's profile immediately and, again, next day. Apparently, there was a history of such abuse as the commenter got a one year suspension from SO within that 24 hour period. This is the maximum penalty short of account deletion, reserved for repeated offenses. The commenter would have been warned multiple times, both on the site and in email, and have received shorter suspensions in the past.

If a question needs work (it is missing necessary code or needs a better statement of the problem that the code is trying to solve, etc.), I'll frequently post comments with edit suggestions or ask clarifying questions (always politely), rather than downvote/close.

If a responder posts an incomplete/invalid/bad answer to a question, it gets the same [or worse] scrutiny/process as the question, including comments, downvotes, forced edits, and [sometimes] deletions. Mostly a comment under the answer and the responder will fix/improve the answer.

Frequently, with a bad answer, there is a comment pointing out the error, and the responder will voluntarily delete the answer if they feel they can't fix it.

Or, the responder [after rereading the question] realizes that the answer they gave doesn't answer the question or doesn't answer it "well enough" and they will self delete the answer. Sometimes within minutes of posting it.

Without sufficient rep points, most viewers can't see these deleted answers, but there are more of them than you might believe.

Not all OPs are created alike. And, sometimes this can be frustrating for [potential] responders.

Some OPs respond and edit their questions and provide the needed/requested info. I (and many others) will repeat the process until the question becomes good/answerable and the OPs do get useful/valid answers [sometimes in comments if the solution is simple enough]. It is [can be] a collaborative process between OP and responders to improve the question and get OP the answer they want/need.

However, some OPs just go "radio silent" when they are asked for clarification.

Some get argumentative (e.g.):

What do you mean I need to post more code? The three lines I've given you are enough to answer my question!

Although I remain polite and continue to try to be positive/helpful, there are times when I'd like to say: "If you knew what information was needed, you wouldn't need to post a question here". But ... Such a response would [probably] be a violation of SO's code-of-conduct, so I don't do that. But, sometimes I am thinking that.

So, some OPs can frustrate responders.

If enough time passes [a few hours], and the OP has not responded, or ignores repeated requests [by multiple responders] to edit the question and provide info/clarification, or becomes abusive, then, yes, the question will be downvoted and/or closed [or for _extreme_ cases, flagged to moderators].

And, in certain cases, by that point, one of the closers could/would be me.

Comment Re:And what about Monica? (Score 1) 106

I was wondering if anybody was going to mention the Monica controversy [which being a regular SO responder, I'm familiar with].

Perhaps, the acquisition will allow for the reinstatement/apology/exoneration. It has been difficult for the present management to admit that they may have over-reacted or that guidelines need to be revisited/refined, possibly with a more formalized/open [less opaque] review process.

Some of the guideline/help pages are unchanged/static over time and too generic/vague. And lacking in specific examples of good vs. bad conduct, questions, answers, commentary.

Not specific to Monica, for example, the MRE (minimal reproducible example) help page, gives general advice about how to create a good, detailed, answerable question. But, it has no examples of a progression of a poorly framed question that was revised with edits into a good question. This is a big issue for new questioners because they can read the MRE page and still not know whether their question is a good [enough] one.

So, if new management keeps the good and addresses/improves the bad/lacking/stoic parts, then, being acquired might actually be beneficial ...

Comment Re:Stack Overflow (Score 2) 106

For novices, by novices.

Um ... No ...

Many of the people that answer are experts with decades of experience [myself included].

And, sometimes, I do a [google] search looking for an information/answers to a problem I have and the best results frequently are from SO.

That was how I found out that the site even existed [5 years ago]. After a while, I just signed up [because, being an "old" programmer, I wanted to mentor younger programmers].

Comment Hood locked? (Score 1) 138

From the article:

It is possible to jump the 12-volt battery, just as you would jump-start an internal combustion car. But it’s not nearly as straightforward, especially because the battery is located behind the Mustang Mach-E’s front trunk, and the hood’s electronic latch is powered by the low-voltage battery.

Does this mean that it's a catch 22 or chicken-and-the-egg problem? (i.e.) You need the battery working to be able to open the hood to service it, charge it, or replace it? Hence, the "bricking" ...

Comment Re:This is dangerously stupid and here's why ... (Score 4, Interesting) 345

I just pulled the -rc2 and looked at the homed subdir.

It is some 18,000 lines of code with only 482 comments. That's just shoddy. It has a coding style that I've never seen before, that violates most sensible style guides.

So, it has the same crappy/amateurish (poor quality) coding style that L et. al. are noted for. That's why systemd took years to shake out the bugs [that should never have been there in the first place].

The code quality hasn't improved much in the ten years since systemd was first dropped [when I first examined it]. That's really quite depressing, actually.

L et. al. have also, time and again, proven themselves impervious to bug fixing, releasing [obviously] untested code full of bugs, refusing to even acknowledge bugs, even when presented with solid unit tests (by highly competent core [kernel] developers) that unequivocally demonstrate the bugs.

L et. al. spend more time "complaining" about "whiners" than they do fixing bugs.

I believe that's why Linus [publicly] refused to take any more kernel patches from them.

Note that this isn't about whether the "idea" is good or not. It's about the implementation of systemd having bugs.

And, I've been programming for 45+ years [in the kernel/driver/realtime space], written a lot, and examined much more.

This code base's ugliness just makes me cringe [again].

Maybe, conceptually, there's a good idea here. But, L should stick to ideas, and let the adults in the room do the coding.

Based on L's proven track record, nobody can/should trust this code base until it's refactored/vetted by professionals [other than him].

Comment This is dangerously stupid and here's why ... (Score 3, Insightful) 345

Once systemd-homed detects a user has logged in, the associated home directory is decrypted. Once that user logs out, the home directory is automatically encrypted.

I have never done a profane post on slashdot ... Until now!


This means that my 718GB home directory, which takes 5 minutes and 15 seconds just to do:
du -sh /home/saneuser

will have to be decrypted when I log in? And, reencrypted when I log out?

Does this mean it will take 10 minutes to login and 20 minutes to logout?

What happens if an emergency system shutdown is done?

What happens if my system crashes? Is everything lost?

What happens if I want a different password on each of my systems?

What happens on a Raspberry Pi system (e.g.) that only has a small micro SD card? Does the needless decrypt/encrypt wear out the drive prematurely?

And, what about other small realtime/embedded systems? Do they [have to] suffer with this crap?

Will the user have full R/W permission access to all files under their home directory? Or, will some root owned file/directory get dropped there that can't be modified by the user?

What about delta backups of all user home directories to backup media? This will make them huge.

What happens if the login/authentication data in the home directory gets corrupted?


Comment Re:Perl5 came out in 1994. Compatible for 25 years (Score 1) 130

perl6 is now called raku (as of 10/19).

Yes, python breaking compatibility was just gratuitous.

For example, when perl5 -> perl6, they wanted new functionality for print [that would have been incompatible]. But, instead of breaking print, they created say which is the "new" print--leaving print the same. And, say has been backported to perl5 [as well as a number of other new features]. For each one, the perl5 code must explicitly state that they want the new/updated stuff on a per file basis.

IIRC, perl6/raku can detect that a file is actually perl5, and can run it using perl5 semantics. And, you can intermix raku and perl5 in the same program (on a .pm/.pm6 basis). It just converts the perl5 into raku bytecode instead of perl5 bytecode.

Of course, this isn't perfect and isn't needed or desired by many. So, it has been stated that perl5 interpreter will exist in parallel with raku interpreter for the foreseeable future.

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