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Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score 1) 937

The problem is even atheists still feel a need to believe in *something*. Which is silly. Planting Science as your God still means you have a God and are not an atheist.

Sure, atheists do believe in things. For example, I believe that "doing good" is basically "do for others what I would like people to do for me" and that "tit-for-tat with forgiveness" is a good philosophy. No need for anything supernatural. And no, I didn't use game theory as holy scriptures because it would imply that I think that the whole world is a giant prisoner dilemma, which I don't believe is true.
I also believe in science as a method and in Occam razor and that's why I don't believe in god.

See, plenty of beliefs, I fact, science and life itself would probably be impossible without beliefs. But it looks like some religious people have trouble understanding that beliefs don't need to take a form like a god, holy principles or some supernatural energy.

Comment Re: Again? (Score 1) 96

Netscape was free too, and it was easy to switch from IE for anyone who wanted to... And yet MS was rightly convicted.

For most parts, IE4+ was better than Netscape and people would have chosen it even when given a fair choice.
In fact, Microsoft may have played dirty but they still had the overall best browser. Only with Firefox we started to have serious competition. Opera was very good too but it wasn't free at the time.

And now, the IE market-share is declining and I don't think it is because of some stupid ballot screen (it started earlier). It is just that there are now better alternatives.

Competition work well in this field : Google didn't need regulations to take over the search engine business and Facebook didn't need regulations to take over the social network business.

Comment Re:Too bad we can't trust them (Score 1) 142

So you prefer the explanation that the NSA used super secret TOR breaking software over a simple exploit ? The FBI explanation seems totally plausible to me. If it were the NSA they probably would have used similar techniques.

My idea is that hackers from the NSA, FBI or black hats are like magicians. It looks like they have some kinds of superpowers or really advanced tech while they just use simple tricks. Finding good tricks and executing them correctly is hard but the trick themselves are often stupidly simple.

Note that the CAPTCHA exploit may not be the only one they found but why would they reveal the other ones if the first one is sufficient to explain the break ?

Comment Innovation goes faster than ever (Score 4, Insightful) 203

It may look like scientists nowadays are less creative. I don't think it's the case, they just communicate more.
Research is always made in small steps. The thing is that now, with sites like arXiv and search engines, we see all these small steps instead of just the end result. It is probably why it looks more incremental.
Another factor is that we have pretty much nailed down most of the human scale phenomena. Science now needs to address high level of accuracy or work at the nano or cosmic scales. Our brains are not made to deal with this, as a result, a lot of rigor is required and most wonderfully creative ideas end up flat out wrong when compared to the actual data. Because of this, when someone comes up with a creative idea, we need to make sure that he is ready to deal with high precision observations.

Comment Reactor burning nuclear waste ? (Score 1) 200

Isn't burning waste what fast breeder reactors do ? They already did this but it didn't make it somehow. Superphénix for example had a few technical issues but still managed to be commercially exploited for a time. If was shut down for political reasons.
The current stand is to use reprocessing and MOX fuel.

Comment Re:Agree 100% (Score 1) 253

The difference is that phones are small and you only need to stock a dozen models to serve most clients.

And while there is no obligation to do so, it may bring a lot of good publicity. Especially now that brick and mortar shops have to compete with online resellers. In fact, the ability to walk in and leave with your item is probably the number one reason they still exist.

Psychologically, immediate response is extremely important. If you want a good example of a company fully understanding this principle, just look at Apple stores. You can get your new shiny gadget the day of its announcement, they are always stocked, there is always someone available for you and beside the stupid launch day queues you can walk in and a minute later you leave with an iPhone in one pocket a very light wallet in the other. And of course, they do stockpile replacements.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 455

Police don't have a James Bond style license to kill. They have the right to kill in some extreme situations (basically, if it is necessary to prevent other people from being killed) but so do you, especially if you live in the US.
The fact that they have a gun is not that special. Many people in many professions happen to manipulate lethal things (vehicles, tools, chemicals, ...) and many people in the US own a gun personally.

The idea is that if someone get killed during an arrest (basically the only case where police has more power than the average citizen), it should be thoroughly investigated without assuming that the officer conducting the arrest always says the truth. If it is the case and police has the possibility to film themselves, they will probably do, as a way to prove they didn't simply murder the perp.

Comment Re:Are you a programmer? (Score 2) 163

Yep, AviSynth is a wonderful tool, escpecially for encoding. It has among the best filters for duties like de-interlacing, scaling and enhancement. Is also does a good job at split and merge operations.
However, if you intend do actually produce something like a short film from camera footage, the lack of good GUI frontends make it very teidous.

Another thing is that AviSynth is Windows only as it relies on DirectShow. This is somewhat surprising considering how "linux-like" this software feels. The cross-platform "AviSynth 3.0" project hasn't seen updates since 2007.

Comment No (Score 1) 455

Do you want to be constantly monitored at work ? And if you are, do you think it is a good thing ? If not, why are things like this bad for you and good for police ?

Constant monitoring leads to micromanagment and people criticizing things they don't know. Policemen however should be able to film themselves to prove their innocence in case they are accused of wrongdoing. And complains against the police should be treated as it should be : like a fair trial, where both sides can present their evidence. And of course, the lack of videos from the police when they have the ability to present them should be seen as suspicious.

Comment Poor move Mozilla... (Score 1) 171

Mozilla communicates a lot about openness, privacy, etc...It wants to be the "good guy". Sponsored tiles (ads) are mostly considered evil.

IMHO, Chrome already has the technical advantage. Firefox tends to copy Chrome features rather than the opposite, and Chrome feels faster and more stable. It would be a shame to also lose the political advantage.

As for the comment "but the ads can be turned off". Sure, but look at ABP. They made their controversial whitelist feature completely optional, yet, it didn't stop people from raging and even create forks that just disable the option.

Comment Re:Can we get a tape drive to back this up? (Score 1) 316

They still sell tape drives? Must be marketed toward the old geezer crowd or something.

Remember in 2011 when Google deleted thousands of GMail accounts because of a bug. They managed to restore almost everything... from tape.
So if even if the champion of cloud computing with consumer-grade hard drives uses tapes, I bet that tapes are far from dead.

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