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Comment Re:Hell *YES*. (Score 1) 192

obsolescence is a pretty good indication of what kind of "investing" he was talking about.

This is exactly the crux of the issue with the iWatch - the type of "investing" is totally subjective. So it's not clear. I have no idea what type of return, subjective or not, overpriced electronics that go obsolete within only a few years provide. I'm not being pedantic - It's absolutely not clear. For example, some people buy audio gear as more of a fashion statement than for audio quality (Beats; I'd venture Bose to some extent, too, and others.)

To argue that two things will be better or worse investments in purely subjective terms is an exercise in futility.

Comment Re:Hell *YES*. (Score 1) 192

Some type of "return" needs to be defined quantitatively in order to use the term "investing." Since none was provided by the OP, I fell back on the colloquial definition used in most English-speaking contexts, which is a financial investment.

If the OP instead intended the "return" to be more qualitative in nature, you'd have a hard time proving that the iWatch produced inferior returns. It would depend on what the buyer enjoyed more. (Watching movies vs. controlling their appliances vs. showing off the cash on their wrist.)

You may want to capitalize the leading character in a sentence before casting a veiled insult about being a native English speaker.

Comment Re:Hell *YES*. (Score 1) 192

If you're spending premium money on electronics you're investing in your home theatre or in a whole-house control system integrated into your appliances and security system, things that will function for more than a decade and can be added on to or serviced as needs arise.

lol wut? neither of those things are an investment. Your house will not increase in value, and you will not be able to resell them at a profit. Spending money on that stuff is just as moronic as spending money on an iWatch, from a purely capital-building standpoint. While your personal choices about how you blow your money are interesting, they shouldn't really serve as an alternative to the type of person who wants an iWatch.

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