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Comment My bet is on man in basement (Score 1) 31

Alastair MacGibbon, head of the Australian Cyber Security Centre said, "You might know of some of their entry points and some of the ways they’ve grafted themselves into a system and you can take action against those and do things like the password reset,"

The article stinks of a phishing attack and it sounds like they haven't figured out 2FA yet. Which says a lot about his claims of who could be responsible. Who remembers Comodo?

What is interesting about actual nation state attacks now taking place is if the locales, IPs, timezones, code snippets point to say; China. Well then they've probably been set up. Unless you're NK, they clearly can't hide shit and are happy to take credit. I recall the leaks that WannaCry came from had tools to change code to make it look foreign.

Comment Re:Thats what you get for running systemd (Score 1) 306

This is kinda funny.

journald single purpose is replace plain text in files to binary, antithetical to unix design.

While you're correct, journald has it's own binary like all the other bits of systemd. This does not necessarily mean the underlying code is modular.

Comment 2/10 propaganda (Score 1) 106

Members of the cabinets are high profiles for targeted hacking - nation states looking for leverage, criminals looking to make a buck, hell even script kiddies for the 'lulz'. Our governments are well aware of the security shortcomings in our communications technology, proven by hoarding of security vulnerabilities rather than fixing them, don't forget the outrageous level of surveillance and spying. So, I'm begging the question, why would phones even be allowed in such a meeting?

Tldr: all the phones are turned off and put in a box.

Submission + - Microsoft's BSOD May Be Getting More Descriptive With QR Codes (cio.com)

itwbennett writes: Reddit user javelinnl posted a picture last week showing a new dreaded blue screen of death featuring a QR code and a link that may appear in a future version of Windows 10. 'Right now, the code and the link take users to a webpage that discusses generic fixes for errors that might cause a crash,' writes Blair Frank. 'In the future, though, Microsoft could provide a QR code that leads to more specific information about what caused the computer freeze up.' As of this writing, Microsoft had no responded to Frank's request for comment, but when he forced a blue screen of death on his Surface Pro 3 he was unable to get a QR code to appear, though a link to the help page did.

Submission + - Physicists discover flaws in superconductor theory

XopherMV writes: University of Houston physicists report finding major theoretical flaws in the generally accepted understanding of how a superconductor traps and holds a magnetic field. In the Journal of Applied Physics, the researchers describe experiments whose results exhibited "significant deviations" from those of the Critical State Model. They revealed unexpected new behavior favorable to practical applications, including the possibility of using TFMs ("trapped field magnets") in myriad new ways.

Submission + - Google Developers Create API for Direct USB Access via Web Pages (softpedia.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Two Google developers have uploaded an unofficial (for now) draft to the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Incubator Community Group (W3C WICG) that describes a method of interconnecting USB-capable devices to Web pages. The API, called WebUSB, allows device manufacturers to provide special "registry and landing pages" where they can host JavaScript SDKs for their USB-capable devices.

Site owners can load these SDKs as iframes inside their websites, and allow a site to access and relay commands (via the iframe to the browser's WebUSB API) to the actual device. To protect privacy and security, the WebUSB API also comes with a CORS-like system that prompts users for access to their devices to avoid abuse and Web-based fingerprinting. The system is also backward compatible with devices created before the standard's approval (if it gets approved).

Comment Re:Terminology problems (Score 1) 99

There is splashes of little ironies through out the comedy that this incident has caused. Most of the bitcoin wallets were indeed held off line, so had the attack been an outside intruder only so much currency would have been there to steal. Following the physical layout of a 'real' bank is wise, as long as nobody lets the bank manager run off with the contents of the vault in an armored truck.

Comment Good thing, yes? (Score 1) 96

One of the reasons why computer security has turned in to a cat and mouse game - that quite frankly we are losing, is the computer architecture model we use for everything hasn't really changed. A physical separation of user space and kernel space in to two systems, then ideas like this become rather useful.

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