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Comment Re:Hmm, not really. (Score 1) 312

When I had a condo, everyday I used to do standing meditation on my balcony. In boxers because there's laws against public nudity.

This was in canada. During the winter. You'd be suprised what your body is capable of once you get your mind to stop constantly telling you your 'limitations'. This and my body still isn't functioning properly or anywhere near its potential.

A 10 day fast is the easiest way to begin to distinguish mental recordings and reality. The reality your brain creates is very real and can be lethal. One must learn to control it at all costs.

Comment The perils of not RTFA (Score 1) 396

Half the posters automatically assume that snowden is working for the other side and that he's part of a negative propaganda campaign against the US.

How scary is the world you live in? It's like the brains can't process the possibility of something not having an ulterior motive.

Stop!! Not everybody is as damaged inside as you.

Comment Re:Assistant Principal doesn't believe it was bull (Score 1) 798

Gosh, lot's of idiots lately.

Just to clarify, since you can't seem to comprehend. I didn't attack anybody. I asked a question. Then you went off the rails, taking everything to illogical extremes, changing contexts willy-nilly, setting up strawmen and red herrings left and right, and going off on unrelated tangents.

Science fact:Punishment does not work, whether everybody keeps doing it has nothing to do with if it actually works.

You couldn't even understand the paper you posted could you? Do you know why they keep saying 'deterrence'? It's because the fact that punishment does not work has been shown so many times that the only hope left for the penal system, and what's left to study, is that punishment 'works' as a deterrent. If you understood the paper, you would see even then, not so much. In fact, in the paper you linked to, increasing duration and severity of punishment actually increases recividism!!! That's as far as I'll try explaining because you don't seem like somebody who understands science or logic, or you wouldn't have posted a document that totally undermines your position. It's not enough to wave knowledge around like a burning brand to fend off arguments, you have to actually understand it. You trolled me good.

Comment Re:So while all of this was happening (Score 1) 798

Ah, so you haven't learned how to not leave your buttons outside for any body to push.

You should get started on that right away. One should never allow another to control ones internal state.

p.s. I'm suprised at the amount of people talking about martial arts, mainly just for the physical aspect, and that fighting back is the only solution people seem to fixate on.

Comment Re:Assistant Principal doesn't believe it was bull (Score 1) 798

um, first, stop assuming because you're wrong and the fact you can't think of anything besides those two things shows your limitations.

Second, you do know punishment doesn't work do you? Or you're one of those weird church nutters that believes jesus did away with all religious requirements except for the punishment of children? See, how I copied you? I even left out the most obvious fanboi option.

and 3rd. Monkey see, monkey do. If you read the postings on the topic here there are a significant number of people who were bullied that would relish the opportunity to bully someone weaker or in a weakened position.

Forth and most significant, don't you want to know how he 'solved' bullying? Doesn't that seem the least bit important to you?

No, of course not. You've already solved it with 'punishment' which in your head seems to be abuse that's sanctified because of its 'educative' goals.*

Of course, that's how perpetrators of any human vice justify their personal use. They alone, out of the whole human race, actually have a reason for their actions.

* If bullies are frequently heard talking about how they're going to teach-someone-a-lesson, in your world does that mean we should let the abuse slide and just judge them on their poor teaching skills?

Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score 1) 798

ah, so it stems from stick-up-the-butt-itis which makes you anal about the literality of stuff.

Some people don't sweat the small stuff, generally enjoy life and can even see the pleasure in the little things and possibilities!

oh, and btw, you're an idiot. If you're going to be waving around fallacies try and understand them all. It's bad form to enact a fallacy while decrying one.

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