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Comment Re:Low gravity (Re:Stupid.) (Score 1) 124

Wouldn't the elderly be better off on a space station? You could actually control the level of (artificial) gravity by designing it with rings and spinning the station (ref. almost every scifi story in space). They could start off at the outer layers (maybe 0.5 G equiv.?) and work their way up through the rings as their capabilities decreased. When they perish (dead ringers?) they could be released to fall back to Earth (shooting star), or on an orbit to intersect the Sun (if they need more flare) or wherever they chose.

Comment Re:A few embedded strings and timestamps? (Score 1) 129

...never UTC-3 unless someone is working very early hours. So it seems like weak evidence indeed!

AFAIK working early doesn't change your timezone, unless you're a pilot or long-distance driver (if it did I probably would have lapped my office a few times by now).

UTC-3 seems to only cover part of Greenland and Brazil, both well-known hotbeds of hacker activity. I suspect that the timezone information is as accurate as info found in random strings in the malware (BACKSNARF_AB25: darn it, time to change the combination on my luggage again...).

Comment They're making billions on other drugs already (Score 1) 245

These drug companies are already raking in $XX billions on other drugs, and the cost to develop a new antibiotic could be less than some of their advertising budgets. The $2 billion might not even be enough incentive.

How about a rule like for every non-antibiotic drug that is approved by the FDA, they also need to submit one antibiotic drug for approval? That would get their attention.

Comment Re:Don't you wish some of those slain had firearms (Score 1) 1350

You're discounting range. A pen might be mightier than a sword, but its range sucks compared to a gun.

Now if a few people had flung chairs, books, hot coffee, etc. (basically anything heavy enough to do a little damage/distraction) they could undoubtedly have then rushed the gunmen with fewer losses than occurred from sitting there waiting for their name to be called.

Comment Re:Streisand Effect and Mohammad cartoons (Score 5, Funny) 512

If every newspaper in France were to re-print some of the more controversial cartoons form Charlie Hebdo, or offer to print and distribute next week's issue as a special insert, it would send a strong message to terrorists that the "Streisand Effect" is real.

And then the terrorists next target: Barbra Streisand.

Comment Re:live by the sword (Score 1) 320

If enough people were to infiltrate the HOA, could the HOA vote to disband itself? That might be a fun hobby...

Probably no, but not due to HOA rules. My mortgage agreement has a line in it about not taking any action to disband the HOA. Fortunately, while my HOA is far from great and has its own range of issues, it doesn't seem as bad as many mentioned here.

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