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Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score 1) 798

If an Educator, or Administrator caught you with a knife, you were gone. As for the Bullies, I selected game trails they weren't currently hunting at. The "Out of sight, out of mind" solution had more success for me; and I learned a couple of things in the process that is High School.

Comment Some Tough Love, Maybe? (Score 1) 98

"...carbon nanotubes. But no one has manufactured a perfectly formed carbon nanotube strand longer than a meter..."

Maybe some of those third world geniouses with toddler social skills should turn inward and ask, "why is only one meter their best effort?" I sure hate to see them return home with their H1B's "tucked under."

Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score 5, Insightful) 798

I believe you are describing the current post authoritarian decade that finds its declining numbers of leaders faced with the issue of self survival. The easiest way for them to do this is to point a finger at the weakest person they can quickly identify; then say that person is the problem to be solved.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 1) 313

That's what the Tea Party says, but like Premier khrushchev stated, "don't judge me by my words, judge me by my actions." I haven't seen any news reports that the Tea Party(TP) is in any community helping the needy. I see the TP cost savings actions, costing tax payers billions; and this statement is on public record, ouch.

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