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Comment Re:So, basically (Score 1) 53

Setting aside whether they're justified or unjustified - the sanctions actually worked as intended.

I don't think so.

The sanctions may have hurt Huawei as intended, but every other Asian organization is now looking for independence of any supplier that the US has control over. This means that in the long term more and more Asian organizations will depend on each other for supplies instead of using American suppliers. This can cost the US a lot more than the temporary harm on Huawei.

Submission + - AmigaOS receives various upgrades

Mike Bouma writes: A-EON Technology Ltd has released Enhancer Software Release 2.1 for AmigaOS4.1 FE update 2, which itself was released on 23 December 2020. It's an OS enhancement package with large amounts of updated and upgraded OS components. Also earlier this year Hyperion released AmigaOS 3.2 for all classic Amigas, here's a roundup of new features by The Guru Meditation on youtube.

Submission + - Systemd-Free Devuan 4.0 'Chimaera' Officially Released (

Luna writes: From the Devuan Web Site :

"Devuan Developers are delighted to announce the release of Devuan Chimaera 4.0 as the project's new stable release. This is the result of many months of painstaking work by the Team and detailed testing by the wider Devuan community."

This release is Based on Debian Bullseye (11.1) with Linux kernel 5.10 and lets you choose your init system : sysvinit, runit, and OpenRC.

Comment Re:For-profit health care (Score 1) 141

After reading up on it, it seems being on the autism spectrum isn't specifically the same thing as being autistic in clinical terms.

Didn't know that (also not native English). Anyway I got my first moderation as Troll, maybe because I sounded angry instead of curious? I will probably never understand.

Comment Re:For-profit health care (Score 0, Troll) 141

"This is about the horror show that is a family with an autistic child. It is a genuine deep and painful tragedy that just keeps going and going for as long as parents are alive.

There's a horrific truth that is understood by parents of a low functioning autistic child. "My child will survive for as long as I live". Because that's what often happens. And every day there is indeed survival rather than living. It's an utter desperation for every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year, until the end of your natural life."

How the f* does this get +5 insightful, is there sarcasm here I can't see?

I have autism, it is who I am, it does not need to be 'cured'. I am different, but I am not ill.
Just imagine Elon Musk being 'cured' as a child.

Comment Re: anybody have per-capita #'s? (Score 1) 228

Also, some countries that have higher populations are either unable/unwilling to give accurate death totals (China, India, etc.). There is no way a poor, cramped country like India only has 300 deaths/1 mil. And although China has more authority to lock down vs. the US, I don't really believe their numbers at all. 3 deaths/1 million? I'm not THAT stupid...

There goes my karma... but if you Google for "US Covid unregistered death toll" then you will find evidence that the US is under-reporting a lot of Covid-19 deaths. Several reasons are given for this, for example local Republican leadership that wants to avoid bad numbers. Many other countries (Russia al of a sudden has way more lung-disease-deaths) are also under-reporting.

Also a number of countries in the the top 20 ( have over-reported deaths because things like a heart attack or stroke while having Covid-19 was reported as a Covid-19 death (Belgium comes to mind).

In a couple of years we will have better numbers on the total surplus of deaths in each country in 2020, 2021 etc.

Comment S for Secure? (Score 1) 64

"HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP (yes, the "S" stands for "secure")"

Yeah, right!

The S is short for SSL which means "Secure Socket Layer" or in other words HTTPS is an SSL encrypted connection over HTTP. This means that (probably) your browser and the the web server are the only ones able to read the contents of this website. It means nothing else.

Add in a certificate and you know someone paid to use a certain DNS name. HTTPS works fine without this (with a self-signed certificate), but your browser will scare you if you connect. Security-wise it is the same though.

Viruses, ads, misinformation, lies, rootkits, blackmail, criminal information, stolen data, child porn, ... can all be transmitted (securely) over HTTPS.

Comment Re:Yay but nay (Score 1) 68

The questionnaires I have received to fill out are pretty easy to game.

That is strange. I knew they would test me for autism, and my IQ is +140 so I should be able to game these tests right? Yet I fell into every autism trap they had.

Maybe it depends on how good the test takers are, mine were doing this full time for years.

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