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Comment Re:Pretty depressing (Score 1) 169

He was the first employee and the original developer for tumblr. He made a few million whenit was sold to Yahoo. He created Instapaper that was eventually sold to PInterest. His current project is Overcast - the best podcast player for the iPhone. He is also one of the cohosts of the popular Apple centric podcast Accidental Tech Podcast.

Comment Re: Why is Amazon the bad guy? (Score 1) 55

Amazon has had an Amazon Video app for iPhones and iPads for years.

They could have easily worked with Apple years ago to put an an app* on the 3rd generation ATV that didn't have an App Store - there are over 40 of them available.

The fourth generation ATV that did have an App Store has been around for two years.

Heck to everyone's surprise, the Prime Video app was released to the 3rd generation ATV last week. I still have three and with Prime and Plex on it (through PlexConnect) I don't have any reason to upgrade soon.

*apps on the 3rd gen ATV are really just webviews that use Apples TVML/XML markup language.

Comment Re: Why an app? (Score 1) 134

When I discover a new podcast, usually I "binge listen". I set all of them to "new" and then I go through them. I don't listen to all of them, but I selectively skim over them until I'm caught up. Then it just downloads the new one.

If you're an iOS user, don't go near the native podcast client with a 10 foot pole. I use the Overcast podcast player.

Comment Re: Oh boy... (Score 1) 92

I thought that was typo but every news outlet is saying it will support ATV3. This is excellent news. I bought 3 third gen ATVs for $59 after the 4th was announced.

I didn't care about the apps available for the 4th gen and I'm running PlexConnect to have a "native" Plex app. The few freely accessible network apps that aren't available for the ATV3 I can get via Plex channels.

Comment Re: Idiot users (Score 1) 65

You can't deny network access in iOS either in general (only cellular access). But Apple has the good sense to make sure that installing a keyboard and allowing it network access had to be a very intentional act. You have to go to settings to do it. You can't just mindlessly click "Allow" based on a prompt.

Comment Re: Out of date Android is a problem (Score 1) 158

Tell that to your carrier then. They are the ones who decided to customize your Android experience and then failed to publish any updates to you for it.

I no more have to wait on my carrier for my iPhone to get updates than I would have to wait on the store that I bought my Windows PC from to get Windows updates.

The sorry shape of Android updates is entirely Google's fault.

Comment Re: Android for Comparison (Score 1) 133

Apple has allowed older devices to download the last compatible version for years.

I rediscovered my old first gen iPad (2010 last update 2011) when I moved. I reset it and started downloading apps just to see what would work. Most of the major streaming services still work (Netflix, Hulu, Plex, Crackle, the WB, CBS, Spotify). Google Drive still works and you can still download and use your purchased content from Apple. Apple's productivity apps also still work like Pages, Keynote, and Numbers and you can still sync the documents to other devices using iCloud.

Safari can't handle any modern web sites without crashing and it's painful to use with 256Mb of RAM but the other built in apps still work.

Comment Re: iOS users are more conditioned to upgrade (Score 1) 133

The native podcast app has been bad since it was first introduced. Once you change podcast apps to a third party app, you won't usually be stuck with it forever. Most third party apps support importing and exporting your podcast subscriptions via the OPML file specification. I use Overcast. It syncs between devices better than Apple podcast every have. It's more customizable, it's written by an independent developer - Marco Arment (first employee at Tumblr, creator of Instapaper).

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