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Comment Re:sigh. bailing wire? (Score 1) 868

I haven't been around a lot of hay bales in a while, but back in the 60's and 70's hay bales were bound together with steel wire. The machine that we towed through the fields to pick up the cut hay and make the bales was stocked with spools of... wait for it... "baling wire" :)

Comment Re:Wrong priority! (Score 1) 503

If a U.S. citizen was killed, then the U.S. has a diplomatic wedge into the investigation. "We are looking into what happened to our people."

If if no U.S. citizen is involved, then everyone inside and outside would be perfectly justified in telling the U.S. to keep their nose out of it. (Not that the U.S. would follow that advice.)

Comment Re:Barbara Streisand award (Score 1) 424

Or use an utterly bland review as code for a bad review.

"I ate at this restaurant. They clean it. It has decorations. It had service. I had a meatball sandwich. The meatballs were made of beef. I went home and went to bed."

Translation: "I really wish I hadn't eaten here. The place was filthy, the decor is horrible and the service was terrible. The meatball sandwich I had was disgusting. The menu said it was made with beef, but I question whether that is actually the case. After eating here, I felt sick."

Comment Re:Maybe, maybe not. (Score 1) 749

everybody needs to have more than one passport

Although it's been a while, I've looked around a bit, and it seems as if, if you are a natural born citizen of the USA, your options of getting a passport (normally requiring citizenship) from any other country are next to nil. The exceptions would be the countries that allow you to claim citizenship simply by showing that you are a descendant of a citizen of that country (I believe Mexico falls into that category).

Comment We can relax now (Score 1) 170

Hey, everyone, the government says that what it's doing is OK. At least we got that settled and we can all stop worrying about it.

while their methods were "close to the line of constitutional reasonableness," they were used for good reason

Hey, I think I heard of a road that you can pave with those good intentions.

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