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Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 818

So, explain then please: what form of government does Brittain have, or the Netherlands, or Denmark, or Sweden, or Norway. They cannot be republics, as they have a hereditary head of state. As per your logic they can't be democracies as 'representative democracy' is the same as 'partial democracy' and is a contradiction in terms. Under what type of government do I live? A monarchy? And am I now to argue that a monarchy is preferable to a democracy?

Comment Re:Back to One Man, One Vote (Score 1) 818

How come? If a bunch of people come together, they are a bunch of people. How do they suddenly lose rights? The fact is that corporations are not persons, they are owned by persons. Given a corporation a separate vote gives the owner a second vote. Give the corporation rights to bribe, and you give the owner the right to bribe. Walmart is not a person, it's the Waltons that run the show. Give Walmart a right, and it goes directly to the Waltons. They get that above and beyond the rights they have as US citizens. And that is undemocratic.

Comment Re:Are you kidding (Score 1) 818

Many of the rich have inherited the money. I've worked with second generation rich: they are well-intended, but typically so involved with their lifestyle that work is merely a hobby. Third generation rich are 'old-money', i.e., aristocracy. No positive influence is to be expected from them. I.e., the rich are a diverse bunch. The ones that actually became rich are typically awesome. But the world is ruled by Paris Hilton.

Comment Re:Deny the deniers (Score 1) 869

Hi Stenvar, you sound like a rational person. Have you actually read this thread where people are completely and openly questioning global warming occurring, questioning the morals of the people involved in climate research, questioning antropogenic global warming, arguing that scientific research is a gravy train that keeps on running, forwarding a conspiracy theory that politicians and corporations worldwide have for the first time been able to collude globally, and generally display an attitude resembling young earth creationists and truthers? These are the denialists. You are the only one in this entire thread that argues an economic opposite viewpoint based on the scientific evidence we have so far. All 100 others are simply denying a problem exists. They are trying to further a political agenda by attacking the messenger, not the message. They are denialists and are not worth discussing.

Comment Re:Why so much resistance to climate science? (Score 1) 869

But if you have a reasoned argument on what needs to be done w.r.t. AGW, why are you spreading lies about the facts of AGW? And if you're not actively spreading lies (as you don't seem to be at least in this post), why are you defending those that are? Claiming something isn't true because you fear what others will propose (not enforce, propose) to mitigate the fact is at best childish. In this case it's close to criminal.

Comment Re:Why so much resistance to climate science? (Score 1) 869

I'm absolutely convinced that AWG is true, but I am severly skeptical about the measures proposed in your message to have the desired effect. Unfortunately, the discussion about AWG completely dwarfs the discussion about what we can do to mitigate the effects. That is really what pisses me off. The AWG deniers are absolutely preventing a sane solution to even be discussed. It's infuriating.

Comment Re:99%? Not good enough (Score 1) 869

There's no 100% proof, sorry. There's 90% proof, there's 99% proof, there's 99.9% proof, there's 99.99% proof, etc. However, there's are no certainties, no 100% proof. Sorry. Try living in this world.

On another note, how much proof of of NOT crashing in the next plane do you accept as tolerable for taking said plane? You seem to argue for 0%: we need to be absolutely sure that we are crashing this plane before we refuse to take it.If we survive 1 in a 100 flights, we shouldn't complain. We need to be absolutely sure that we crash this plane before we try to do something about it.

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