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Comment Re:Corporate vs citizen (Score 0) 747

No, most people do NOT agree with that. Maybe most people in your circle of friends, but not most Americans at least.

The problem IS the loans. You loan 100k to an 18 year old who doesn't have the understanding of the long term ramification. The colleges love it because it is easy money for them. Little Johnny gets a degree in Women's Studies and doesn't understand that he has to pay the loan back, even though he has a job as a waiter. Some kids have it together, most have been so utterly coddled for so long, they've never had a job and simply can't comprehend the numbers they are dealing with.

The solution is to stop government funding of loans, which will lower the price of college (they will hate this), and MORE privately owned education choices, not fewer. Half the kids are getting degrees in crap that will not provide them a career in ANYTHING. The colleges don't care, they get paid regardless.

Comment Re:Social justice is starting to look smell funny (Score 5, Insightful) 458

This is the kind of bullshit the OP was talking about. Taking his comments out of context and intentionally drawing the wrong conclusion in order to demonize him, or anyone for that matter. You are part of the problem.

This says nothing about whether he is wrong or right, it is saying that anyone that dares deviate from the social norms and group think of any organization they belong to are fired or excommunicated. That is the problem. Assuming the worse and reading that into every comment is the problem. Most often, this intentional misreading is done in order for the reader to further their own political agenda.

Americans are losing their ability to simply disagree without someone getting butt hurt over it. It's rather disgusting how we've become a nation of politically correct pansies.

Comment Or... (Score 1) 421

How about we start by getting countries to stop forcing women to get "circumcised", forcing them to cover their faces, denied the right to an education, and while we are at it, destroy the caste systems of countries. Seriously.

Women are still brutalized in a lot of places and lack the most basic of rights, and we first worlders focus on paychecks.

Comment Re: Amazing (Score 4, Insightful) 375

I've had insurance since I was born, I'm in my 50s, and my cost of insurance jumped 4 times since obamacare. My employer dropped it because insurance rates soared, so I no longer had matching, plus the regular rate better than doubled. And that is for insurance that covers almost nothing until I spend 28,000 because there are virtually NO doctors in the network. And NC has NO options, only Blue Cross. We used to have over half a dozen. My cost of insurance and overall healthcare went from being 5-10% of my income to over 1/3. So fuck your socialized healthcare that says responsible people have to pay insurance for irresponsible people that don't like to work. I'm fine helping those that can't help themselves, but this current bullshit is killing the middle class. You know, the people making 50k a year and pay the highest percentage of their income as tax because they don't make enough to shelter it. But then, that was the original plan, wasn't it? Make a system so god damn bad people would beg for a single payer. Guess what? You got Trump instead, so suck it up Dr. Buttercup. You have no fucking clue the pain this system has caused to hard working, middle American, blue collar people.

Comment Pushing up daisies (Score 0) 285

We don't just want you dead, we want you pushing up daisies. Literally.

Totally stupid. Like someone else said, the role of the military is to kill people and break stuff. Nothing else. Not nation building, not inventing environmentally friendly ways to kill. The goal should be to use the military sparingly, then when you do, use the most effective tools to do the ugly but necessary job.

Comment Re:I am not going to complain (Score 1) 181

Speaking as someone who has been involved over a decade as an active admin, the main office is drunk with power and cash. They have deleted many of the photos showing Gardner waving around wads of cash, which were very crass photos to begin with. Volunteers are treated like second class citizens unless you are in the inner circle. How they do fund raising and the way they blow money on "feel good, tree hugging" type events is disgraceful.

Comment Re:You would think science could help (Score 1) 275

Yes, because everyone know, you have to mow down thousands of acres of trees to build a platform and processing area that is smaller than one acre in size...

Oh that's right, you basically don't destroy any trees to frack. Very empty headed logic, or you just don't understand the science behind drilling.

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