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Comment Mental Masturbation (Score 2) 239

This discussion is pointless mental masturbation because none of these things will be real problems with autonomous cars. The people dreaming up these scenarios do not understand the fundamental paradigm shift that comes with autonomous vehicles

- Firstly, any thoroughfare staffed with autonomous cars should never have pedestrian access, because the cars will all be travelling at maximum safe speed constantly, like 110K+ even on city streets. These streets should be fenced not allowing pedestrians.

- Secondly, In situations where pedestrians are involved, which are inherently unpredictable, the car will never drive faster than it would be able to stop and not hit ANY pedestrian... thus, this whole "choose 1 or 5" scenario is not possible.

- Finally, you won't be able to manually point the car at people and then later have the car "take over". You will not have any ability to drive the car manually, period. At least I bloody well hope not... once autonomous cars are standard, people should not be allowed to drive any more.


Submission + - Google protects undersea cables against potential shark attacks (

brunes69 writes: When you plan for the costs to span the entire Pacific Ocean with fibre optic communication cable, you need to account for a lot of different factors to ensure that cable will remain protected and intact. Google, for one, is apparently taking no chances with its cables, even going so far as to protect them against shark attack.

Comment Tear It Down (Score 1) 98

Other incidents have left a person with a torn liver and internal bleeding, and cuts requiring 11 stitches, as well as a buggy containing a three-month-old child being whisked out into the road by a sharp gust. Last year the council ruled that the surrounding roads must be closed when the wind reaches speeds of 45mph, but problems have continued.

The problem is that the government is not attaching enough cost to these kinds of mistakes, so they happen over and over again. If the building had to be torn down then the cost / loss would be so high that developers would never make mistakes like this again and start testing their designs better in advance. As it is right now, the only people paying the cost are the citizens while the developers laugh all the way to the bank.

Comment SEARCHABILITY (Score 5, Interesting) 249

The biggest problem both the App Store and the Play Store have is searchability. There is no way to filter on anything other than high-level category and keyword, and whatever the result-based ranking algorithms on both stores uses, is horrible, always returning junk and crap instead of what you really want.

This makes finding the kinds of apps you want even when you KNOW what you are looking for EXTREMELY ANNOYING AND OVERLY DIFFICULT, way more so than it has to be.

It is very ironic that Google whose main business is search can not cobble together the resources to make a decent search for Android over the past 5 years.

Comment Re:Politically Correct Science (Score 0) 541

Actually what you propose would be completely unethical.

Example - If science some day proves that people with blue eyes have faster reaction times than people with brown eyes, and we don't factor that into hiring decisions where reaction times can mean the difference between life and death simply because it would be politically incorrect to do so, then you are making all of society suffer an injustice just because you don't want to make people uncomfortable.

Comment Re: No, school should not be year-round. (Score 1) 421

As the husband of a teacher I can tell you I would VASTLY PREFER my wife having 2 weeks off a season instead of one bulk summer break. It would make family trips in the spring or winter so much simpler.

People often forget that while teachers do get the whole summer off, they get ZERO flexible vacation days. This can be painful when you want to take say a random long weekend away.

Comment Re:The canonical best household router is (Score 1) 427

The problem with having lots of devices that do less instead of smaller numbers of devices that do more is the power use. On average every little wall-wart product you plug into your house costs you between $5 - $15 a month to run. The more of them you run the more they cost you a year. If you have one little device that does multiple jobs, it saves you money.

Comment Re: STEM is the new liberal arts degree (Score 1) 174

Sure of course there will always be a small subset of jobs in industry that need this. But the idea that it provides inherent value to all CS is wrong. Calculus has nothing to do with CS at all in reality.

There are also lots of jobs in industry that need high levels of security domain knowledge or networking domain knowledge, but the stuff we need is not even taught in university let alone required for a degree so your example really has no meaning.

Comment Re:STEM is the new liberal arts degree (Score 3, Informative) 174

I don't know what you consider "high level math", but if it is the same thing I am thinking of, I totally disagree with you.

I've been in the industry for over a decade, and have used the calculus and statistics required for my CS degree precisely never. And honestly there are hardly any professions that need either of these disciplines. Yes you should know some VERY BASIC statistics but the idea that everyone needs a university-level course in it is flawed.

IMO in CS degrees, the time spent on these courses would be much better spent on more algorithms courses and courses on actual development practice, both of which are VERY lacking with people coming out of university nowadays.. theyre' all hot-shot python hackers but have no idea what the difference between a linked list and an array list is.

Comment NPAPI (Score 1) 194

Actually, Firefox has one huge advantage over Chrome - their continued support of NPAPI. Chrome dropped NPAPI as of May, and along with it support for Java plugins. Like them or not, Java plugins are used in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of huge enterprises for internal applications. By dropping NPAPI support, Chrome basically gave a big middle finger to all these enterprises.

I work for one of these huge companies. A bunch of our internal systems requires the use of Java plugins via NPAPI - and there is no way they are going to spend hundreds of thousands (millions?) of dollars to replace all of these internal applications, when Chrome was never an officially supported browser in the first place.

Since Chrome dropped NPAPI, I can no longer use any of these applications in it, so I am now back to Firefox for them. And if I am going to run Firefox for some things, I am going to run it for everything, because I frankly don't have the time or patience to run deal with two web browsers every day.

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