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Comment Re:Disengenous (Score 1) 306

... With the ebook you get a ... license to read the book but only in the format you purchased your license for.

This applies equally to physical books.

You left out the word "revocable" in the original. With a paper book, the publisher cannot come into my home and take the book back.

Comment Re:Disengenous (Score 1) 306

WHAT? So, authors don't want to have a large price gap between a real book and an ebook? Do they NOT realize that with the real book you get an actual real book. With the ebook you get a limited, revocable license to read the book but only in the format you purchased your license for. I'm still wondering why the price gap isn't larger.

I think some publishers and authors "get it." Lucius Shepard's last two hardcover books were published by Subterranean Press, and came out with boutique retail pricing (~$40, if I recall). I bought *both* of them, because, well, it's Lucius Shepard, and every word is golden. Amazon.com offered both at quite nice discounts from MSRP, so that's where I made my purchase.

THEN, I spotted that Amazon has also released Kindle ebooks of both, at $5.99 and $6.99. This is, to me, a stunning example of price elasticity. These prices are so outrageously low that I happily bought the ebooks IN ADDITION TO the pbooks.

I have the best of both worlds. My treasured paper copies won't have to suffer from being thrown around on a car seat or taken to the beach, and I have the reassuring solidity of a real copy that isn't subject to licensing.

So, in some cases, increasing the price gap even further can lead to that most elusive thing in the publishing world: repeat sales.

Comment Re:Backup? (Score 1) 396

How do you distinguish between intentional and unintentional changes? How much storage overhead do you need to keep all changes so that you can roll back any unintentional change?

I'm only a rocket scientist, not a CS person, but it seems intuitive to me. If it's an intentional change, then the new version will have a later last-modified date than the back-up. If the hash of the back-up copy made at the time it was written matches a hash calculated at the time of the second back-up, then the integrity of the back-up is confirmed. If the active copy has not been intentionally changed in the interval, and its hash no longer matches the other two, then the active should be discarded in favor of the back-up. I'm sure you can do the mental figuring for the equivalent to detect if the back-up rather than the active has bitrotted.

The challenge arrives if you have *both* intentional and unintentional changes to the same file between successive back-ups. To exclude unintentional changes, you would have to do hashes every time you save/compile/whatever,as well as keep a keystroke log of the edits. Then, you would have to execute the exact same change process on the back-up copy, repeating the process described above. It would be incredibly resource-intensive (essentially having a 'bot duplicate the work you have performed between back-ups), but it would sure be thorough.

Lord, I HOPE this is not an original idea. If I just invented it, and somebody tries to patent it later, you're in for a world of hurt.

Comment Re:But they're still collecting your data. (Score 3, Funny) 97

Actually, things have changed. As part of this announcement they also announced that they will be digging through your browser history in order to provide more targeted ads, rather than just mining what you do through their website and websites that track for them

At last, a reason to keep Opera on my computer.

Comment Re:Since when does Qt "work" with OS X? (Score 1) 636

Please provide a link to any mainstream working application for Mac OS X that uses Qt. I don't know of a single one because Qt's support for XCode is incredibly poor.

calibre. Extremely popular in the ebook community. And I have never used the language, but I imagine that you're correct about the issues. Qt on MacOS must be a real PITA, because I've had to submit bug reports for problems that I could have avoided using just Applescript.

Comment Re:painted into a corner... (Score 1) 403

But the truth is the original three movies didn't (and still don't) need any prequels/sequels/bollocks.

After the first movie came out, I was actually quite intrigued, and looking forward to seeing what the "Clone Wars" were about. From the name, there was clearly a fascinating story to be told about the morality and ethics of cloning, that must have led up to a huge, all-encompassing holy war on the order of Dune's Butlerian Jihad. The Clone Wars may or may not have been connected to the fall of the Republic; Obi-Wan's original tale to Luke was ambiguous. There was some intriguing fan fiction positing that cloning could have led to the corruption/dissolution of the Jedi Order (taking advantage pun-like naming opportunity through characters called "OB-1" and "OB-2.")

The "Clone Wars" we got were anything but. The fact that the events leading up to the rise of the Empire would still be called "The Clone Wars" a generation later is still something I can't wrap my head around. Why in the name of all that's holy aren't these events known as "The Trade Federation Uprising," or "Collapse of the Republic?" Clones were only a portion of the action, and certainly weren't what the war was about.

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