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Submission + - Trump Blames Google for Returning Fake News Results, Hints It May Be Illegal (

eldavojohn writes: Our glorious leader has discovered that Google's algorithm is quite powerful in determining what is in the public zeitgeist. It appears that this morning, our flawless stable genius took to Googling himself in order to determine how his public image is at all negative. And he seems to have discovered that it is Google's fault — and he's going to do something about it. There's clearly no other explanation explaining how news about Trump can be at all negative. All citizens who wish to be seen as American are instructed to now add Google to the Us Vs Them list in our auspiciously objective wonder chief has decreed in two tweets: "Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!" This concludes your daily two minutes of morning moron. You may now return to good honest work, comrades, and remember who are the enemy of the people!

Comment Re:Enterprise (Score 2) 203

These are the ones from the TV show and movies.

NX-01 - NX class - served 2151 to 2161
NCC-1701 - Constitution class - served 2245 to 2285
NCC-1701-A - Constitution class (refit) - served 2286 to 2293
NCC-1701-B - Excelsior class (refit) - served 2293 to 2329
NCC-1701-C - Ambassador class - served 2332 to 2344
NCC-1701-D - Galaxy class - served 2363 to 2371
NCC-1701-D alternate timeline - Galaxy class (refit), aka Galaxy-X, aka Galaxy-dreadnought - served ? to ~2395
NCC-1701-E - Sovereign class - served 2372 to ?
NCC-1701-J - Universe class (possible/alternate future) - served 26th century

Comment Re:rofl (Score 1) 170

My guess is that, the way they saw it, they needed 38 licenses for employees doing X with the software (e.g. producing new content). Meanwhile, those purchased licenses (again, as they see it) also allowed them to have free reign to install it for everyone else who is doing the lesser task Y (e.g. viewing content).

Comment Re:Infinitesimally precise (Score 1) 134

You seem to be assuming that all accidents are a result of something changing in the environment (e.g. other cars, pedestrians, etc). Knowing not to turn too soon would also help avoid single-car accidents. Other sensors may be able to prevent such things, but accurate GPS could certainly be part of it.

Comment The Missing Post (Score 5, Informative) 133

He posted a blog post yesterday and it's currently cached but essentially he promises to move BTC from early blocks to do the final verification. This was up yesterday before his stupid wah wah redirect went up. I'm reposting it here in case it's ever removed from google cache (I hate scammers):

Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Proof
May 3, 2016

Yesterday, Andreas Antonopoulos posted a fantastic piece on Reddit.

Andreas said something critically important and it bears repeating: “I think the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto does not matter”.

He’s absolutely right.

It doesn’t – and shouldn’t – matter to the Bitcoin community.

I cannot deny that my interest in bringing the origins of Bitcoin into the light is ultimately and undeniably a selfish one – the only person to whom this should matter is me. In the wake of the articles last December in which I was ‘outed’, I still believed that I could remain silent. I still believed that I could retreat into anonymity, sever contact, go quiet, and that the storm would eventually pass and life would return to normal. I was right and wrong. The story did eventually retreat, but not before it ‘turned’ and the allegations of fraud and hoax (not to mention personal threats and slurs against me and my family) clung to me.

I now know that I can never go back.

So, I must go through to go forward.

Mr. Antonopoulos’ post also notes that if Satoshi wants to prove identity, “they don’t need an “authority” to do so. They can do it in a public, open manner.” This is absolutely true, but not necessarily complete. I can prove access to the early keys and I can and will do so by moving bitcoin, but this should be a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for such an extraordinary claim.

And this is why I wanted to speak with Gavin weeks ago. Gavin was in a unique position as we dealt with each other directly while we nurtured Bitcoin to life in 2010. I knew that Gavin would remember the content of those messages and discussions, and would recall our arguments and early interactions. I wanted to speak with Gavin first, not to appeal to his authority, but because I wanted him to know. I owed him that. It was important to me that we could re-establish our relationship. Simply signing messages or moving bitcoin would never be enough for Gavin.

And it should not be enough for anyone else.

So, over the coming days, I will be posting a series of pieces that will lay the foundations for this extraordinary claim, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been levelled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

For some there is no burden of proof high enough, no evidence that cannot be dismissed as fabrication or manipulation. This is the nature of belief and swimming against this current would be futile.

You should be sceptical. You should question. I would.

I will present what I believe to be “extraordinary proof” and ask only that it be independently validated.

Ultimately, I can do no more than that.

Comment Re:It's wildly unlikely we should exist (Score 4, Insightful) 267

There's one significant flaw in that reasoning. If we assume there are infinite planets, and only a tiny subset of them are inhabited, that subset does not need to be finite... it can still be infinite.

Consider integers. There are an infinite number of integers. One subset of that is odd numbers. If we subtract an infinite set (odds) from an infinite set (integers), the remainder can still be an infinitely large set (even numbers).

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