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Comment Re:Fuck this bullshit. (Score 1) 125

No. It never was a Democracy. You know just a few weeks ago I was castigated by other /.ers for saying that the US was never a Democracy. Democracy is antithetical to individual freedom.

It's becoming less and less of a representative republic because we are disempowering the individual (in the name of the greater good) and wondering why there are no checks and balances.

Comment Re:Surface area to volume (Score 1) 66

Yes surface area to volume has been understood - but having the technology to make the surface area to volume just so for a person with physical characteristics (gender, age, weight, x, y ,z) with condition x as opposed to condition y has not existed.

You make a pill and it takes t amount of time to dissolve for 95% of the population. But for some people it would dissolve much quicker and others much longer.

Of course I didn't read the f'ing article but being able to further fine tune the delivery of medicine a good idea. And 3D printing can be used to create pills (objects) with a dramatically altered surface to volume ratio.

Comment Re:There will always be a need... (Score 2) 276

Yes there are. I see the maker community and the development of cheap computers playing a far greater role in personal computing. The iPad (or whatever) will always have its use but people concerned about being "secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" will always exist whether the aggressor is a thief or the government.

That being the case small personal computers and encryption will become an ever more important issue.

Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 1) 429

I ask you to consider the statement "generally accepted definition." Generally accepted by whom? Defenders and promoters or capitalism or detractors? If capitalism that uses the sanction of government to prevent competition is not capitalism. The term for that is mercantilism.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
