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Comment Re:Return to a space suit design of the 1960s (Score 1) 54

The profit is coming. Companies will mine resources and manufacture items in earth orbit / elsewhere and then sell/use the items to do more mining and more exploring and more expansion. The profit will come. The excitement will come. And the investment bubble put the 1999-2000 tech bubble to shame. :-)

Comment Re:Manage Milestones not Minutes (Score 1) 311

I'm a big fan of pomodoro - actually combining kanban and pomodoro. For those not familiar with pomodoro imagine

1) setting aside a block of time to do a task (be it code or answer emails)
2) setting up a time (think kitchen timer and set it for the time necessary say 25 minutes)
3) at the designated time "Ding" - you can stop your task
4) refresh your brain with a 5 minute break (bathroom, coffee, slashdot)
5) start all over again

It's a great way to focus your brain and get specific tasks done

see kanbanflow.com for a free app.

Comment Re:How can anyone trust (Score 1) 138

Your conclusions are kind of funky.

The neo-con idea was to "drain the swamp" with Saddam being at the center of the swamp. (By the way I'm not a neo-con and don't support their views.)

Would it have made sense to bomb mecca? Maybe. But there would have been repercussions with that action as well.

One of the best solutions is to be energy independent and not give the Saudis any money and let the kingdom face the wrath of the wahabbi clerics without having any money to pacify them. Of course the left is against drilling for oil, fracking and is against anything that is not clean-energy. A good compromise would be to drill and focus the tax revenue derived from the drilling on improving photo-voltaic paint, tidal power, etc...

By the way this has nothing to do with capitalism - it may have something to do with corporatism but then fascism is not exactly capitalism is it? At least not the capitalism as described by its supporters - Menger, von Mises, Hayek, Samuelson. Now you may think they're mistaken - but at least address the points and views they raise and acknowledge that their conception of capitalism is not the tyranny that some make it out to be.

Comment Re:so who to blame , wallst or govt or fiat money? (Score 2) 926

Hmmm. Don't think so. The survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not fatter than their contemporaries. In fact if they survived the first few years they lived as long as everyone else. This holds true for the 100+ people who had the misfortune (or great luck) to survive BOTH Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Comment Re:Do the CCs work? (Score 1) 106

You're correct I wasn't clear. The first, and most important thing, was that the cashier looked at the signature (on the card) while examining the customer signature. This had to be done each and every time with one exception - if it was a repeat customer. The organization was a moderately high-end fashion company (below Prada but above Macy's). Rarely did the clerk ASK for ID as that was off-putting to our clientelle. The data, that I saw, indicated that outright fraud (as opposed to serial returning or "borrowing") took place on charges above $1000.00. Therefore on 1000.00 charges the cashier had to write down the ID on a piece of paper. (Hence my job to remove paper.)

Comment Re:Do the CCs work? (Score 1) 106

This isn't true. I worked for a retailer that had an physical presence and part of the workflow included looking at the signature.. The cameras looked down at the cashier and one of the first things that a manager would do if there was a charge reversal was to see if the cashier had looked at the ID. Our processing check list required that manager select whether or not the the cashier had reviewed the signature.

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