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Submission + - Media Obsessed With Hacks While Malware Gushes (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: The second quarter of 2011 was one of the worst on record in terms of successful hacks and breaches of organizations including RSA, the U.S. Defense Department, the International Monetary Fund, Sony, and Citigroup. With all these high profile breaches, one thing that may have fallen out of the spotlight is the massive volume of malware being created and spread on a daily basis.

In Q2 2011, malware continued to spread substantially, with 42 new malware strains being created every minute (about 60,000 per day), according to new research released today.

In terms of countries with the highest levels of malware infections, China, Thailand and Taiwan took the top three spots again. In terms of the lowest, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway were the least infected countries across its user base.

Trojans were responsible for 69 percent of infections, followed by viruses (10 percent) and worms (8.53 percent). Adware, which only represents 1.37 percent of all malware, accounted for more than 9 percent of all the infections, indicating the substantial effort malware writers are taking to promote this type of malicious code. Fake anti-virus programs, which are included in the adware category, have also continued to grow.

Comment Re:Ugh, polygraphs (Score 1) 189

(The cynical side of me says it's because they give superiors and judges a reason to pass their opinion as judgement on someone without any real evidence...)

Give your cynical side a cookie. Now I might be completely wrong here, but the above is really the only reason I can fathom, either that or complete and utter ignorance... Which of course isn't too far-fetched an option... Luckily, polygraphs are not used in court over here in Sweden.

Comment Flamebait (Score 1) 210

I almost think the FSF published this only to spark a license-related flamewar on Slashdot... Personally, if I were inclined to do coding and release that code, I would probably go with the GPL; If I am to release my work for free (in both senses), I don't want some asshole taking that code and closing it up later on. But I can definitely see why some people might prefer a slightly less copyleft license, so I'm not going to bother trying to change other peoples viewpoints.

Submission + - iTunes upgrade forces users to buy new OSX (guardian.co.uk) 1

NoAkai writes: "The Guardian writes this about newer iDevices not being supported on older versions of OSX: "[...]I connected the shuffle to our computer, but a message came up saying the iPod "cannot be used because it requires iTunes version 10.0 or later". So I downloaded iTunes 10, but then another message popped up: "Open Failed This package type requires Mac OS X 10.5." It was the same story with the iPhone 4.""

Comment Re:How Ironic (Score 2) 236

Whilst I agree (and I'd mod you up if I could), I think it is also important to be cautious that the measures taken to "prevent the leakers from "mysteriously disappearing" because someone at their organization found out what they leaked." is not also used to cover up Mr. Assange's hotel expenses and other luxuries. Donators have a right to know if their money is being used to combat wrongdoings and expose corruption, or if it's being used to give Mr. Assange a yacuzzi in his hotel room.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 138

Whilst bypassing a proxy filter can be difficult, most browser-based and local filtering can easily be bypassed by a quick registry hack, or even just a hidden away option for example, my previous employer allowed access to Facebook and news-sites during lunch hours, using a combination of a registry entry to lock down IE6 settings, and obtaining the settings from a script hosted on the LAN. All you had to do was unlock the settings, and input the proxy address manually. And if I'm not mistaken, the proxy only filtered on a DNS basis, so IPs were cool.

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