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Comment Rules about how much you can copy with credit... (Score 1) 119

aren't rules about plagiarism.

Absolutely copying chunks that aren't your actual research and just describe the current state should be copyable with attribution.

And I don't know what English as a first language has to do with this -- you don't need to speak English well to know you can't copy without attribution.

And obviously you should be allowed to have a ghost grammar corrector for your papers - this isn't about the scientist's writing style, it's about communication of science.

Comment Not all problems are the same (Score 3, Insightful) 172

This has long been an issue where people just count "problems" without talking about the severity of the problems.

Problems that stop you from getting from point A to point B are the problems I care about, and those don't seem to be higher on EVs.

Or, the better way to look at this is the surveys about how happy people are with their cars. Little problems don't affect that opinion, so it's a great proxy.

EVs from good EV companies tend to have very high satisfaction numbers.

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