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Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Seven 2

I guess Destiny had stayed up and read or something. I woke up about six, started coffee and was glad the robots were almost as good at cooking as they were bad at making coffee. Unless it had to do with barbecue sauce, and who has barbecue in space? Especially for breakfast?
Or pork, I remembered. I don't eat pork, it's too damned expensive these days and I like beef and chicken better, anyway, but George Wilson, one

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Six

The company's co-founder, largest stockholder, and CEO was annoyed; this was certainly not his best day, golf aside. He'd spent too much time on the course and only had time for a little more of Knolls' report, and now he had to chew out that incredibly stupid chief engineer, who was knocking on his door and in danger of losing his job. This could have crippled the company. "Come in," the CEO said.
It seemed th

Comment Re:SID vs SIM/TEN (Score 1) 59

If TEN split knowing that one of the entities being split could not fulfill its obligations, that would be a fraudulent conveyance. The courts invalidate the split and will force TEN to pay off the obligations in the long run. Of course, that will take years to wind through the court system. In the mean time, the lawyers will make a fortune.

Comment Re:Except, of course, they have to prove you can (Score 4, Informative) 560

"Solid State drives (SSD) introduced dramatic changes to the principles of computer forensics. Forensic acquisition of computers equipped with SSD storage is very different of how we used to acquire PCs using traditional magnetic media. Instead of predictable and highly possible recovery of information the suspect attempted to destroy, we are entering the muddy waters of stochastic forensics where nothing can be assumed as a given."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Five

Note: There will be a chapter inserted between chapters nine and ten. Chapters have been renumbered in the manuscript.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Orbital mechanics problem solved!

First, I want to thank you folks for your suggestions, although I didn't see them until I logged in this morning. The answer came to me last night when I was sitting on my porch with a beer in my hand and several in my gut.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ask Slashdot: Orbital Mechanics 4

I'm having a math and physics problem: math and physics is getting in the way of the plot in Mars, Ho!

I originally thought it would be a six month trip, but math got in the way since they were getting gravity from propulsion. So I shortened it to a two month trip, and to do that I had to have Earth and Mars on opposite sides of the sun -- but orbital mechanics makes waiting shorten the time.

Comment Re:Anyone remember Xerox Park? (Score 1) 204

No, X was the follow on to W from Stanford. I doubt you ran X on a BLIT, but on a 630MTG, aka Son of a BLIT. I was one of the engineers that ported X to the 630. That was an awesome project, and we had an incredible team to do it. Our server out performed the USL X server, and all we had was a 10MHz 68000, while they had a 25MHz 386 with a 387.

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