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Comment Re:Consumers need to do some research too ... (Score 1) 197

Just because a device has a certain feature, doesn't mean you can use it. [...] It should be the consumer's responsibility to ensure that they meet the requirements to use those features.

That's true. But in the case of the new iPad, it does not have a 4G feature in Australia. The law is very clear in that scenario: it is Apple's responsibility to accurately describe their product, it's not the consumer's responsibility.

Even if an Australian customer is highly knowledgeable about technology and understands that US 4G is not the same thing as Australian 4G, it doesn't change the fact that the new iPad does not support 4G here.

United States

Submission + - Steve Jobs Told Obama Made-in-the-USA Days Over 9

theodp writes: At his Last Supper with Steve Jobs, reports the NY Times, President Obama had a question for Jobs: What would it take to make iPhones in the United States? 'Those jobs aren't coming back,' Jobs replied. The president's question touched upon a central conviction at Apple: It isn't just that workers are cheaper abroad; Apple execs believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that Made in the U.S.A.' is no longer a viable option for most Apple products. 'The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,' a former Apple exec gushed, describing how 8,000 workers were once roused from company dormitories at midnight to address a last-minute Apple design change, given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. 'There's no American plant that can match that.' What's vexed Obama as well as economists and policy makers is that Apple — and many of its hi-tech peers — are not nearly as avid in creating American jobs as other famous companies were in their heydays. 'We don't have an obligation to solve America's problems,' a current Apple exec is quoted as saying. 'Our only obligation is making the best product possible.'

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 1027

I hope the Turtleneck of Power gets passed on to Cook.

Bill Gates held on to his Thongs of Virtue when he stepped down from Microsoft, which he put to most excellent use in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation... but just look at what happened to Steve Balmer when he didn't receive The Thong (think: monkey dance).

Comment Re:gmail? (Score 2) 119

Someone set up a site plastered with advertising, including Google ads of course.

Yet curiously it was a competing ad network which placed the advertisement "Live in the USA!" on top of photos of Madeleine Pulver, not Google. With all the data in gmail about this guy moving to the USA, surely Google should have been placing that ad?

PS. Site is now down, screenshot at

Comment Re:Geez... (Score 1) 143

Actually, I suspect lots of these are snuck into the manuals by tech support staff as jokes.

Yes, it's quite obvious that they're jokes when you look up the original sources. For example, the article only quotes the first warning of the following:

Do not attempt to install if drunk, pregnant or both.
Do not eat antenna.
Do not throw antenna at spouse.

Comment Re:You ain't seen nufin yet - NBN will be the dawn (Score 2) 133

Today, Gillard and NBN paid Eleven Billion Dollars to buy the Telstra copper network. Do you really think they're going to rip it out or decommission it?

Yes, they are decommissioning the entire copper network:

Comment Re:You ain't seen nufin yet - NBN will be the dawn (Score 5, Insightful) 133

Or, to put it more rationally:

The NBN takes the aging copper network out of private hands where Telstra was using it to restrict competition, and replaces it with an open-access high speed network open to full competition.

Just to be clear: almost everyone being forced to switch to the NBN is currently using Telstra infrastructure. If you're on iiNet, Internode, TGP, Optus ADSL etc then you're using Telstra copper. The only people being forced to switch to the NBN who aren't using Telstra infrastructure now are the relatively small number of people on Optus Cable Broadband. After the switch to the NBN, you'll still be using iiNet, Internode, etc for your internet access (if you want to) but instead of using Telstra's infrastructure you'll be using NBNCo's infrastructure. And it will be damn fast and more reliable. And it won't be Telstra... which in itself is simply wonderful.

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