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Comment Re:This is the first nail in the Universities coff (Score 1) 319

Over the years I have conducted approximately 100 interviews. While I noticed their education background on their resumes, I relied on asking specific technical questions about the position. they were seeking. Academic degrees are only noteworthy because it shows the interviewee persevered and completed the task. It shows commitment.

It is easy to evaluate a person's IT knowledge because the questions can be very specific and tailored to the amount of experience a person may have and the job requirements.

I have seen quite a few Software Developers that get an IT related diploma and are totally unprepared for the real IT world.

Comment Re:This is the first nail in the Universities coff (Score 1) 319

Everyone is talking about tough grading. Shouldn't someone be complaining about tough questions? I have two degrees and in my entire career no one has ever asked me to actually prove it. The diploma is far less important than a candidate's ability to answer questions about the position they are seeking.

Comment Re:Why is Elon Musk so intelligent? (Score 1) 160

He is more anti-leftwing than ultra-right wing. Obviously has done something right to become the richest man in the world.
And DeSantis must also be doing something right since all the former NY residents are flocking to his state. And you should support him since he is standing between Trump and the next election.

"people who don't have humanist values" Cry me a river. If you are waiting on the government to make your life better and support all your pet social equity plans than you are on a fools errand.
One big thing that is fun watching the is anti-gun crowd support de-arming the public. The big glaring question is how does a group of unarmed meatheads plan on making the very well armed group do anything? Ask nicely? The first thing a dictator does after rising to power is to de-arm the citizenry so he stays in power. When only the government has guns they can do anything they want for as long as they want.

Comment Re:Such wonder (Score 1) 162

Either man could personally fund the project. Hell either man could buy NASA and privatize the whole venture. Musk could end up throwing in a free trip to orbit for anyone buying a Tesla. Bezos could offer the same thing after spending a certain amount of money buying shit on AWS.

Comment Re:Absolutely it would have (Score 1) 81

The people today who would aggressively demand to be treated "innocent until proved guilty" have no problem denying others the same rights for anyone who disagrees with their particular world view. Various segments of the US government and law enforcement agencies use social media to make an end around on the rights they are sworn to support and defend.

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