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Comment Re:What exactly is ADD? (Score 1) 246

It sounds like your story is very similar to mine. I'm 31, and have just recently been put on Straterra (Atomoxetine) I also was diagnosed with dyslexia while growing up, but after looking at my records again, I have been told that it falls more under dysgraphia rather than dyslexia (writing rather than reading)

I was diagnosed as a... side-effect... of going through the diagnosis process with my son. As some posters have mentioned, it did start with a checklist (or actually a book of checklists, and Likert scale questions) and then a trip to the psychologist (during which time I was also being seen for depression) Part of the analysis for both myself and my son was reviewing academic records, and comments from teachers. (Parents, those report cards from 1st grade can make a difference as kids grow up) and then working on getting the right dose of the right meds. We resisted medications for quite a while, and are still working on getting it "right" to avoid turning our son into a zombie, but to get the benefits of the meds (for the record, we are keeping the doses as low as possible).

Are there side-effects, yes, are they worth the benefits, I believe, when used correctly, yes.

My coworkers can tell when I miss a dose of my meds. it makes it very difficult for them to follow my thought process. I have been lucky to find both a primary, and a secondary job that fit the way I function. I find I can go from hyper-focus to full-on attention-bounce. The meds have given me the ability to better control this, and have brought me to a much better place.

I failed out of my first university, and was only moderately successful in Grade School.

I don't know what discussions (if any) were had about me and my condition as a child, but I'm glad that we have been working on this for my son

Comment Re:Impound all servers... (Score 2) 375

H0 : There is no CP on the servers
HA: There is reasonable suspicion that there is CP on the servers

The burden of proof resides on the DoJ to "prove" that there is a reasonable suspicion that there does in fact exist CP on the servers, and that we must therefore reject the Null Hypothesis. until such time as the DoJ makes such a verifiable claim to this effect, we cannot reject the Null Hypothesis.

Short Version: "I Call"

Comment Re:When I was a kid we didn't have peanut allergie (Score 1) 327

One other thing to note about peanut allergies is that, from a diagnosis/prevention standpoint, they are all treated as "Severe"

My son has a contact allergy to peanuts that causes a rash. it is not an anaphylaxis reaction, so, very much non-life-threatening. This being said, the allergist, and his pediatrician still prescribed epi-pens, and had the school treat it, for the purposes of preventing contact, as if it were a life-threatening anaphylaxis reaction.
my understanding of the reasons for this is 2-fold:
1) Peanut allergies, as a whole, are more likely to be life-threatening than many other food allergies.
2) Peanut allergies tend to increase over time, thus increasing the likelihood that his reaction could evolve into an anaphylaxis reaction after further exposures.
Now, we told the school that his treatment plan is "Diphenhydramine HCL (AKA Benedryl) & Observe, contact us"
The schools tend to treat all peanut allergies as life-threatening so that they can have uniform rules while dealing with hundreds of "Little smiling faces" rather than having to know "Johnny gets X, Bobby gets Y, Jane get Z... ad. nausium.)

I have no sources for either of the above, but those are my understandings

Comment Re:Airspace FTW (Score 1) 312

Was talking with one of the LifeFlight of Maine EMTs the other day, with the IFR system that ME, MA and NH have in place, they have just gotten FAA approval for IFR highways.

Picture This, you're in Fort Kent, ME, and need to get to Mass. General *FAST*, they load you on the helicopter, the pilot lifts off, and takes his hands off the stick. Next thing (about 4 hours later) you are 50 feet above the helipad in Boston.

Supposedly this is a First In The Nation thing, but with the IFR post at all of the Maine hospitals, the LifeFlight helicopters can already do final approach to 50 feet above the pad unassisted.

I Trust robotic planes

Comment ...and in other news... (Score 1) 226

The Pope is catholic, Water is wet, and stock in Hard Drive manufacturers is climbing

Really, I'm surprised they're not going for 24 or even 48 months. Of course law enforcement wants logs. (much easier to request than active taps/trace/wiretaps) and they can go back in time effectively.

my concern isn't primarily with law enforcement having access to logs that far back, but with 2 things
1) selling them for profit (see recent Supreme court case about dr.'s prescribing habits)
2) use in civil cases.

Comment Re:So uh (Score 1) 964

Same thing with Automobile vs. Air-travel fatalities
in 2009 :
automotive fatalities per 100,000,000 miles traveled: 1.13 http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/index.aspx
Airline Fatalities per 1,000,000 miles traveled: 0.0003 http://www3.ntsb.gov/aviation/table5.htm

if we adjust the airline numbers to reflect 100 million miles, we get 0.03 fatalities.

you are 190 times more likely to die when in a car, than if you were flying, but yet we are so worried about air accidents. They make better news because you will typically have higher fatalities *at once*, rather than a handful across the country every day.

people just don't understand statistics.

I'm with you on the nuclear thing.

Comment Re:PR Stunt (Score 1) 545

The average person is dumb and 50% of the people are even dumber

The median person is dumb and 50% of the people are even dumber

Both statements are correct. The latter is simply more accurate

(Median is one accepted form of "average")

Okay, now that that's off my chest, go ahead and mod me off-topic

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