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Comment Re:Another paleo-wanker... (Score 2) 441

Part of the problem is the paleo enthusiasts and other fad diets are that they don't have the courtesy to test these things on their own, which can end up influencing the food supply for the rest of us. Full fat content yogurt can be nigh impossible to find in some places because of years of preaching about the dangers of fat.

Comment Re:Sounds like they should ban the cabbies (Score 2) 295

Most businesses fail in general, so claiming that most businesses fail due to too much competition is sort of a moot point.

Regarding your examples:
x86: I'm pretty sure that Intel had a great deal of legal control of that market, and they've certainly not been shy of anti-competitive techniques.
mom-and-pop computer stores: I believe they were displaced largely by websites like NewEgg and TigerDirect, as the model they have allows them to undercut them and in many ways be more convenient.
donut franchises: There's not a shortage of donut shops, and I've seen a decent number of indie donut shops
mobile devs: that was basically the same niche as websites and flash games, neither of which has ever been a particularly reliable method of making a living.

That the diversity of a market doesn't always increase doesn't mean that there is an inevitable and irreversible race to the bottom. A market only has a limited carrying capacity, and when it exceeds that, there will be some degree of pruning. That doesn't mean that the population is doomed, though.

Comment Re:Or You Could Just Not Drink To The Point of Int (Score 1) 134

We have an unhealthy societal perspective regarding alcohol, which you are indicating right there in your post. The drinking done by these people is probably not causing a great deal of harm, but we have an unprecedented level of access to cameras and semi-permanent communications. Therefore, this otherwise healthy activity can have harmful effects on your career or personal life.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
