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Comment Re:Fluffy the feel good piece (Score 1) 70

Boy, the FUD on this one is going to be impressive.

Tell me, if its your baby who cannot get treatment with a nebulizer because multi-thousand dollar 'certified' equipment is not
affordable, when $50 of parts would do the job perfectly well, will you feel the same? Welcome to the lives of a good proportion
of the worlds population.

Of course that doesnt apply to YOU right? to fuck em.. let them watch their children die.
MIT should convert themselves to another business school and turn out more MBAs!

Comment No, you are wrong.. (Score 4, Insightful) 70

Of course the party you either fail to appreciate, or dont want to mention is that the regulations are strongly supported by the incumbents.

It created a very artificially high gateway to entry for competitors, while the cost of maintaining it is well covered for the current manufacturers
who use it as a way to charge artificially high profit margins in the name of 'safety'. Many of the regulatory requirements have been actively
created BY the manufacturers..
This is of course how almost all of the medical industry operates, certainly not just the manufacturers.

The natural reaction to this is of course a black market in affordable 'medicine' for people who just cannot afford to take that ride. Unfortunately
the US has just taken the opposite tack by trying to 'spread the load' instead, continuing to fuel its insane medical inefficiencies, and to continue
to maximise profitability for medical related companies. What a surprise.

If you really think that top quality medicine costs that much, then I suggest you visit South Korea... Their private medical services are very high
grade, and cost much, much less. Their fault rates are also lower..

The fact is that a lot of diagnosis (and other) equipment is cheap to make these days, and is not directly a safety threat to patients. The medical
system however does not want large price drops in one area, as they are worried at all levels that it may tip the scales and their own gravy trains
may get tipped..

Comment Sorry, the UK certainly did not create Israel. (Score 1) 494

No, the US pushed for and funded the illegal immigration into the area (mostly as a move to avoid post-war immigration of European Jews to America).
The British actively fought against it, and were the targets of terrorist attacks in response (see the King David Hotel Bombing, for example).
The US then pressured a desperate Britain to allow things to continue.
In the end Britain, in desperation, turned the problem over to the UN, where the US championed a decision allowing the seeding of modern Israel.
The British still tried to resist this, and were only pushed out under force of arms.

So no, saying the UK created the nation os Israel is, in fact, simple insanity, or more likely an attempt to rewrite history.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 1) 494

And yet, it seems, you have not heard of current day Israel.

Interesting. You apparently have done ALL this research and not even noticed that small thorn in your statistical theory.
' The fact that you don't hear about Jews doesn't mean anything- numerically, they don't exist.'

However, the fact that we DO hear about Jews (Israelis) quite often, and their nearly constant and well documented
human rights violations, means quite a lot, as they are - as you say, a tiny minority. Therefore statistically they
are pretty damn active in this area..

Your statistics regarding percentages are also a lot of tripe sorry, as the ratio of 'true believers' is what matters rather than
the practically useless numbers which tend to lump whole countries in to certain religious groups based on historical

I am not excusing ANY of the groups. Using religion (or pretty much anything else) as an excuse to persecute others is
just plain disgusting.

Comment Re:Local recycling is dependent on a local market (Score 3, Interesting) 78

People are missing the point my friend.

The reason we are seeing these beatups is because the manufacturers of such consumer items see India, Africa, and China as growth markets as they
develop an increasing middle class, however the norm there is to buy our (usually perfectly functional and/or easy to repair) discarded items, and use those
at a fraction of the cost.

This REDUCES CORPORATE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES, hence must be squashed at any cost, including outright lies (and I suspect much much more).

E-Waste is a huge lie, what we are seeing here is active recycling. Exactly what we want, but of course the purveyors of new goods hate..

Seriously, the efforts being made by computer equipment manufacturers to block the export of perfectly functional second hand equipment to such countries,
where they will be used and cared for for a long time, is just disgusting (Cisco is a very good example of this.. their older 100mbit equipment is throwaway
in the west, and sells very well in the 3rd world..)

So we are just seeing the usual easily swallowed lies being picked up by the idiocracy of the general populous/media, who it seems cannot critically think
their way out of a paper bag.

Same thing happens all the time with second hand cars (often by a moving target of 'safety standards').

Reuse is by FAR the best form of recycling, and yet our governments are fighting it tooth and nail. Sad.

Comment Re: These calculations for are so stupid. (Score 1) 622

You DO know what a gearbox is, right? and that most cars have them?
Just wondering, since that kind of shows that you dont have a fucking clue... but hey.

BUT, just in case. torque would matter if both vehicles were forced to stay in the same total end to end gearing ratio..
As soon as gearing can be changed to obtain maximum hp, then HP is the only thing that matters for power output.

So no, they are not 'geared for better torque', they produce more torque at lower RPM, which means exactly squat.

And I have both, turbo diesel and petrol, with similar torques (actually higher peak in diesel) and petrol has about 40% more hp.
Its a no contest between them in acceleration. The petrol destroys the diesel.

Comment Re:No points for second place (Score 4, Funny) 182

Now, from what I can tell, the majority is China followed by India India. I would suspect both are pretty much good with this, and more.

Here is my bet.
In the good ole US of A, this will quietly/'secretly' be used to build beefier quarterbacks and taller execs.
In Asia this will be publicly used to treat congenital diseases.

The US will scream in horror at what Asia is doing.

Have a nice day.

Comment And what they dont.. (Score 4, Informative) 74

However in the real world...

1) I think the word you are looking for is 'fashion' as in people think having an iwatch ion their wrist will somehow make them cool. good luck with that.
2) I can only assume you have not actually looked at the competition on this one.
3) And again, you missed the fact that most of the Android watches last longer? Even Apple dont rate their watch for 24 whole hours.
4) You mean just like android?
5) Um, what? is that in some way an apple only feature? Oh, I see. because apple use THAT name for it it is somehow special. hmmm.
6) Yes, a nice and effective way to reduce battery life even further. Enjoy.

BTW I do like your rationalisation at the end where anything that doesnt quite work properly must not be needed, so you can just bin it ;)

Thank god that outside the Apple walled garden there is some choice - hell, you can even get WATCH shaped watches ;)

Comment Oh Joy. (Score 5, Insightful) 192

And no doubt when the insurance investigators get access to the data as part of the fine-print on your contract, and decide you were not doing exactly what they believe is correct in a given situation, then you will be at fault.

Let alone once the police decide that data is theirs also.

Let the fun times roll.

Comment Re:One and a half years is plenty for a sports gam (Score 1) 153

Well, unless when they sold the game they STATED CLEARLY that the game was not sold, but was an 18 month lease of service then YES WE DO.
Otherwise it is a violation of the contract established at the time of sale - at a minimum they owe the purchaser a percentage refund based on the possible
time the purchaser could play the game - lets say 10-20 years of hardware compatibility availability? 90% should be fair.

You see, when you sell someone an item, YOU HAVE TO DAMN WELL STAND BEHIND IT!

Imagine if you bought a house and it started falling down after 18 months... perhaps that would also just be ok? after all, the seller got what they wanted..
Or are people who want what they paid for just cheap bastards?
Still, I guess you will get your EA shill money no matter.. but then they dont pay you to be a moron do they, you do it voluntarily.

Comment Re:NIMBY strikes again (Score 2) 228

Ah, but you are not thinking through his claim well enough! ;)

A magical spirit that has existed forever somehow decided to make just us, here, and has a bunch of rather
arbitrary rules that we must follow or we go to hell for eternity, or heaven if we follow them (which seem to be somewhat flexible and
changing, as they once included stoning people to death and keeping slaves, but now, not so much..) is OBVIOUS (or pick another
one of the hundreds of belief systems if you like..), but that instead of that, the same life-after-death existence cannot possibly involve
ending up on top of the local big volcano, a place that has been part of the peoples life for all their life?

However perhaps towermac was meaning the type of Creator described in Star Maker (, who
couldnt really care less about our existence, but I have my doubts ;)

Comment Re:NIMBY strikes again (Score 1) 228

No, they just havnt been bought off enough yet.

That is how things usually work these days, their concerns will be about deep sacred untouchable things that can never change, until an
offer is made that they decide is enough (usually involving both obvious stuff like new buildings/land for their people, plus some
less obvious ones, usually resulting in a ton of cash for their leaders) and suddenly we will find they can bless the land, and everything
will be ok.

Now that may sound racist/culturist/whatever, but its quite the opposite. If such things are that sacred, then stick to your damn guns!
dont sell it out.. but thats not how it works.. the leaders are always just after the big payout. Very very sad. I am sure we will hear in a while
how they have decided to allow it to happen for the good of the rest of us, and we have decided to generously give them a ton of whatever in

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