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Comment Re:Could we hear some Germans tell this story? (Score 4, Informative) 473

Rates: on average €0.25/kWh
3-phase drop: is standard for every premise, even a 1-bedroom apartment has it
shortage in winter: no, Germany has been a net exporter of electricity for ages. Talks about shortages are usually corporate FUD.

To clarify: there is no tax euro spent on the electrical infrastructure. The conversion to renewable energy is financed by payment guarantees, which in turn are financed by the consumer.

Comment Re:Not a hologram, but not shabby (Score 1) 98

Thank you for your explanation. Is it correct to say that the principle is similar to shutter glasses? But instead of occluding one eye at a time, one picture for exactly one perspective is shown at a given time, while the other perspectives (for different viewing directions) are not displayed. This is the reason for the high refresh rates needed.

Comment Re:Cryptography? (Score 1) 165

Cracking a key is NP hard, and with sufficiently large keys you can not amass enough computing power to crack them. If you can convert it to a P problem the computing time is reduced to practical dimensions. I think this film is about a sidestep ('melt the sand') that converts NP problems to P problems.

Comment Vanity, definitely my favorite sin. (Score 5, Insightful) 134

Surprisingly, a good rule of thumb for any criminal is to stay clear of any cardinal sin.

Lust - don't let your dick make any decisions for you
Greed - know when to stop
Sloth - go the extra mile or else it might bite you
Wrath - like lust, an emotion that can negatively influence your judgment
Pride - the best criminal and the perfect crime is the one nobody knows about, and overconfidence leads to errors.
Gluttony - excessive consumption raises suspicions
Envy - don't try to outdo someone else. He is known for a reason.

Comment Unimpressed (Score 4, Informative) 287

The technique is promising, but the provided example video does not demonstrate a true advantage it has over conventional cinematography. They filmed with two cameras, one overexposing one underexposing, but they don't have one with the right exposure to compare with the composed HDR images. The city scenes are filmed at daylight, without any areas of high contrast that would make a high dynamic range necessary. The same with the people example, they even overdid it to give it a vibrant effect, making it more of an artistic tool than capturing shadows and lights naturally.

They should make a short film with city nighttime and desert scenes, that should be impressive. They should also contact director Michael Mann, he would jump at the opportunity to film HDR.

Comment Re:I had an idea like this once (Score 1) 221

You realize that because you 'had the idea' before Google launched the actual implentation you now, per Slashdot convention, can claim that Google has not done anything new or novel.

Actually, yes. If google was about to patent the idea of the sidewiki alone it would be an excellent example not of prior art, but how trivial the idea itself is, and why the patent system needs to be reworked.

Comment Re:Whats on the laptop, son? (Score 1) 767

"Its a gig of encrypted kiddie pr0n."

Guard: Oh come on, be serious, if you aren't going to do this baggage check stuff properly don't do it at all. Now shove off!

Outcome: Guard doesn't believe such amazingly incriminating answer. Thinks you are obnoxious. Tells you to keep going.

I know you wrote that in jest but anyway, never EVER say something like that to a law enforcement officer. First he WILL arrest you, no matter how far in the cheek your tongue was, second he WILL get a search warrant for your house just to find anything to make a case. Then you will be forced to decrypt the container because if you don't all that is needed in court to convict you is the testimony of the officer.

Comment Re:First collision (Score 2, Insightful) 456

No, that's an electrostatic force, not electromagnetic, and the force of matter interacting with other matter is not only comprised of that force alone.

And the difference between electrostatic and electromagnetic forces would be what? There is no reason to keep them apart, it's the same phenomenon. And what would that other force be that matter is interacting with outside of atoms, other than gravity?

Making it act over more than a few millimeters against a non-charged object (such as random space junk) is, at this point, not possible.

That is correct of course, as of now, but the parent poster made it look like it would be fundamentally impossible.

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