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Submission + - Malicious Chrome Extensions Hijack Facebook Accounts

An anonymous reader writes: Cybercriminals are pushing malicious Google Chrome extensions that hijack Facebook accounts. To make matters worse, the extensions are being hosted on Google’s official Chrome Web Store. Once you install one of the rogue Chrome extensions, it gives attackers complete control over your Facebook account. The scammers then use your account to spam your friends with a tempting message suggesting they also download the malware. Furthermore, the malware also automatically Likes certain Facebook Pages as part of a pay-per-Like scheme.

Comment Re:Cash before health (Score 1) 138

Undoubtedly you are correct.

The X-Ray they did was apparently to confirm their thoughts on the pneumonia, but the rest of the diagnosis seemed (to my admittedly untrained eye) to be good deduction and experience.

I can speak to the "Physician Assistant" thing personally, as an ex-girlfriend was one.. The law varies from state to state, but at least in Pennsylvania, becoming a PA requires several years of graduate-school education and a sort of mini-internship/residency period. They can pretty much do anything a doctor can do, short of surgery, with the supervision of a LOCAL (meaning in the building, within no more than a minute or two distance).

Comment Re:Cash before health (Score 1) 138

So, need to reply to just a few things here, not just your point, so hope you don't mind me hijacking your post.

Little story:

About 2 years ago, I was having coughing fits severe and long enough that I was on the verge of blacking out (from lack of oxygen) several times. I called my primary care doctor, but even with the description I gave, their only advice was to either come in the following day or go to the ER.

So, being a reasonable sort of person, I decided to take the middle path. I went to one of those "Doc in a box" clinics, and within 45 minutes, I'd been seen, x-rayed, given a lung capacity test (one of those plastic things with the little red ball inside), advised of my diganosis, handed some prescription cough syrup and some STRONG antibiotics (turned out I was developing pneumonia) and sent on my way.

Cost.. $20, same as an office visit (since they're not open 24/7, they don't count as an ER).

I can find no fault with the entire experience. Now, if I thought that I'd developed meningitis or Parkisons or whatever, sure, I'd get an appointment with a "real" doctors office. But for probably 95% (total guess on that percentage, but seems reasonable to me) of what people go into their GP for, this was a perfect solution.

The clinic was staffed with 5 or so Physician Assistants and 2 Nurse Practitioners, with only one "real" doctor, but at no point was I concerned about the level of care or knowledge-base of those non-doctor staff people.

In short, I got quality care, in virtually no time at all, for the cost of an office visit. I simply cannot find anything to complain about in the entire experience.

Comment Re:Mars the new Australia? (Score 1) 839

Presuming you don't necessarily mean that, but this is /. , so have to examine.

Let's assume that the prisoners in question are young (so as to be physically capable of the trip), so we'll start at age 25. Let's also assume that their life expectancy in prison is 50 years. So, the math at that point is fairly simple, so long as we don't calculate for the additional expense of medical care that geriatric prisoners incur in their waning years.

Using the report at as our guide, let's assume that your average prisoner costs $55/day to house and feed.. So, discounting any other costs and inflation, the cost of keeping an average prisoner in jail for 50 years is around $1,000,000 (based on $55/day * 365 * 50).

Not sure, by that standard, that it would be cheaper to shoot them into space on a one-way trip to Mars, given the cost of fuel and the various other things to keep them alive. I mean, yeah, you get free labor and all, but unless the plan is to send them up as mere lab rats or unskilled labor, you'd presumably have to teach them to do stuff that they may not know, unless you pick an exceptional prisoner (someone w/ an MD or something like that..

Still, probably a good cost:benefit ratio, all told.

Comment Re:Misleading title (Score 2, Interesting) 481

Agree with your two latter points, but curious..

The fact that it is 67 million IPs versus 67 million customers means that it could potentially INCREASE the number of customers impacted, based on the presumption that more than one user (via NAT) is in a given location served by a single IP address.

Wouldn't that make the theoretical (theoretical since, as many have already pointed out, the assumption is that the vast majority of Wikipedia users are not making edits..) impact greater? I looked at those ranges in bluetack, and I think it is fair to say that the majority of those users potentially impacted are Verizon customers, with a smattering of Comcast and others.


crimeandpunishment writes: A new study says one in five American teens has lost some hearing. Some experts are warning kids to turn down the volume on their earbuds, even though they don't have any hard evidence that listening to your iPod too long and too loud is to blame. Most of the hearing loss is considered slight, but it's still enough to cause problems in school and in everyday life....for example, they'd hear all the vowel sounds clearly, but might miss some consonant sounds. The senior author of the study says "Although speech will be detectable, it might not be fully intelligible". The findings appear in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.

Submission + - Chome OS tablet rumored to debut on Black Friday (

Fwipp writes: According to a source of the Download Squad, Google will be launching a Chrome OS tablet November 26th. Manufactured by HTC, the specs are rumored to include a 1280x720 display, 2GB of RAM, GPS and a webcam. Subsidized by a Verizon contract, it is expected to be substantially cheaper than other tablets — possibly even free.

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