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Comment Re:Not even there's to legislate. (Score 1) 319

The free market is what people do when some guy isn't holding a gun to their head to force them to do something else. Obviously it 'works' because otherwise we'd still be living in caves and fighting over yak bones.

We've just changed what we live in and what we fight over. Does that truly indicate that it works?


Submission + - Upcoming wikileaks release to stress american ties (www.cbc.ca)

mirix writes: CBC reports that the US has told Canada that an impending wikileaks release may cause a negative impact on US ties with foreign nations.
Apparently the US is also informing other nations of the release — It could be pretty damning if they are bothering to notify foreign ministers beforehand.

Comment Re:Quick Canada Lesson (Score 1) 282

It's not for the 90% that the capital costs are high. Further north, NorthwesTel has to cover the entirety of the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut with these services. Many, if not the majority, of the communities in these territories have no all-year road access. The capital costs for these places is huge. Everything is run through satellite connections (phone, TV, internet), and all the infrastructure must either be brought in by barge or by air. In addition, due to mandates about allowed downtime per year, maintenance costs are very high (imagine flying in technicians and supplies every time internet service goes down). While I'm not saying the costs of these is comparable to the cost of the infrastructure required for the millions living along the borders, the cost per individual is higher by several orders of magnitude.

Comment Re:Who exactly is fighting back? (Score 3, Informative) 641

Not sure why this is modded Troll... Unfortunately, it's quite true. While not blatantly stupid as FOX News, the National Post does use its fair share of twisted facts. In addition, it's well-known as the more right-wing national newspaper in Canada (the Globe and Mail being more left wing), and would therefore be more inclined to present facts in a right-wing-friendly way. Got to love the "free" press.

Comment Re:Integrated graphics in the CPU? (Score 1) 254

From here. Perhaps this is the wrong chipset, if so, please correct me. If not, emphasis on the word "discrete".

That'll show me to do my research. Checked up on the Radeon HD 3300 (which is not part of the HD 3000 series...?). True enough, it does look pretty damned good. However, I will refer to my point above that although this may be enough for some, even most people, there are still those of us who either require or desire more power than even that particular set has to offer.

Comment Re:Integrated graphics in the CPU? (Score 1) 254

While you are absolutely correct on most points, including the fact that most people do not play anything more intensive than Farmville, people are becoming more obsessed with the pretty on their screens. It simply seems that it is a constant battle between graphics processing power and the number of pixels people want to see. At this point, playing a Blu-Ray film on a desktop/laptop with integrated graphics is viable, but not excellent. In addition, don't count PC gaming and PC enthusiasts as dead just yet. There are still plenty of people that want and need more power than integrated graphics can provide at this point.

Comment Re:Integrated graphics in the CPU? (Score 1) 254

Who needs a proper graphics card these days? Only people who need real-time high-def geometry rendering. They are free to chose a CPU without an on-die GPU. Everyone else is happy they won't need additional cooling infrastructure on their mainboard.

Have you ever tried playing anything but Farmville on integrated graphics? Apparently the Clarkdale CPU/GPUs are only about 1.5x more powerful than integrated at this point. While I realize the Sandy Bridge (who comes up with these names, anyway?) should improve on this, I'm guessing that even playing TF2 on one of these things would be rather unsatisfactory...

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