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Comment Re:Men's Rights morons (Score 1) 776

> Men's rights and white power groups and other groups that "fight" for the rights of an already empowered majority exist only because they choose to ignore history.

The fact that you automatically assume that it will always go the man's way is exactly why such groups exit. There is a protective double standard that exists in our society that will drown out men that complain in general. Never mind if it's a man vs woman conflict.

The whole Jessie Ventura libel thing was a perfect example of this.

Comment Re:Sooooo...... (Score 1) 776

It doens't matter. That studio isn't getting anything out of me. I'm not going to see it first run and perhaps I will see it as a Netflix physical disk rental. Beyond the fact that it comes off as more tired rehash, I'm simply out of action for awhile. Missing what is likely yet a another tired retread won't make me feel the least bit deprived.

It doesn't really matter who's whining about the flick.

Comment Re:Your attitude is sexist (Score 2, Insightful) 613

The problem with "we must do something about it" is that it lets the "victim" off the hook. Instead of "victims" sucking it up and giving it back as good as they got it (or worse), we are feeding the victim mentality.

We should be encouraging women to "solve" this rather than "men" or "society at large". That kind of approach is ultimately the only way any real progress occurs. You can't liberate people. They have to take it for themselves.

The real problem isn't "those evil nerds". If anything, it's the same media narrative machine that these journalists are a part of.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 613

A soldier is kicking ass and taking names on screen engaging in playful banter with her teammates and giving them grief leaving important things lying around. In the process of making fun of old stereotypes, the whining SJW crow goes apeshit claiming that such sterotypes are being reinforced.

A girl that's not a withering daisy can dish it out as well as anyone.

She will earn the respect of her male peers because of a willingess to act like a helpless victim.

If anything, what this narrative really says is that women are quitters that need someone else to protect them. That's actually a highly chauvanistic idea.

Comment Re:Well you want offensive ? (Score 1) 613

Meritocracy usually is not applied to the ability to do sales and marketing and dirty tricks better than the next guy. It typically implies a BETTER PRODUCT. Those that buy into the notion of meritocracy don't value sales skills.

That is something else entirely and should be labeled entirely differently. That's what the USA is. It's not a meritocracy at all. It's a sales-ocracy or a vendi-tocracy.

Comment Re:"Whether or not you believe there’s a pro (Score 1) 613

I caution attempts at social engineering result in greater injustices than those they seek to fight against.

I would say that the first thing those attempting social engineering should seek is to utilize the solutions they propose. For instance, it's amazing how many of the politicians in the US who seek to raise the minimum wage also make broad use of unpaid interns. If even the crusaders can't manage to pay everybody minimum wage (not the new level of $10, $15, or whatever is being proposed today, but just the current amount), what makes you so certain it's a great idea?

Comment Re:California lol (Score 1) 545

An immunocompromized individual belongs nowhere near a school. This is for their own safety. There's a strong likelihood they are quarantined from contact with the public already due to their condition. They may even have a special directive from their doctor telling them to STAY AWAY FROM SCHOOL.

The LAST thing that a person fitting your favorite loophole needs is to expose themselves to the germ exchange which is any large group of children.

Comment Re:Charged only if actually negligent (Score 0) 545

> 1) Could not afford shots
> 2) No access to health care

If this isn't a problem in Mississipi, then it's probably not a problem anywhere.

> 3) Child could not get shots for medical reasons

If this is serious enough to be worse than the risk of dying from the Mumps then this person should be quarantined anyways.

Comment Re:Usual answer to a headline question (Score 1) 461

Even back in 1993, AOL was considered a haven for idiots and suckers. Anyone with half a clue went somewhere else. This even includes the "can't be bothered" crowd.

Not that PPP was that difficult to deal with. It came pre-packaged in the same kinds of automated software installers that AOL came with.

AOL really didn't solve any problem.

It was just pervasive. They went that extra mile to SPAM eveyrone.

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