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Submission + - Mcafee Associates: Massive Cyberattack Planned (moneynews.com)

clm1970 writes: Criminals intent on stealing millions of dollars from consumer bank accounts plan to unleash a massive cyberattack on major U.S. banks, security firm McAfee warns in a new report.

McAfee’s report confirms a warning from RSA, the security division of EMC Corp., which said in October that a criminal ring had created an advanced cyberattack to steal money from bank accounts at major banks, according to CNNMoney.

Read more: McAfee: Massive Cyberattack on US Banks Planned
Important: Can you afford to Retire?

Comment Re:Did we really need a study for this? (Score 1) 271

You can't remove the blame entirely from the players, especially the pros. Most of them want to do what they do. They're attracted to the big money, and there's practically no way they'd make that kind of dough in any other endeavor. Plus, there's the machismo factor. Uhh.. not sure wtf a Semitic dude from 2,000 years ago has to do with it though.. churches don't own football and hocky teams, do they? I'm not religious, I just don't see how it's germane to this particular discussion.


Comment Re:Keep Paying for Your Spot in Heaven (Score 1) 813

You hit the nail on the freaking head square on. I'm a catholic and a pretty devout one (or I try to be). The biggest problem I see with 80% of my peers in this religion is they're catholic exactly 1 of the 168 hours in a week. Most of them not even that. The other 167 hours are spent judging others and just basically leaving the world in worse shape than how they found it. Making it "God's Plan" is just an excuse. Maybe "God's Plan" is for you to stop being a douche.

Submission + - NASA Posts Video Of Curiosity Landing (ibtimes.com)

redletterdave writes: "After the premature DMCA takedown of the Mars landing on YouTube, NASA posted a video on Tuesday that offers viewers another chance to "relive the nail-biting terror and joy as NASA's Curiosity rover successfully lands on Mars the evening of Aug. 5." The video is a stop-motion composite of 297 thumbnail images captured by the Curiosity's onboard Mars Descent Imager (MARDI)."

Submission + - Google's failed ideas: timeline of axed projects (pcpro.co.uk) 1

nk497 writes: "Google killed off a few more failed projects over the weekend, as part of its clean up program as it tries to refocus on key areas. We've collected all the dead services and ideas in one chart, to show how long they lasted and how many have been axed, from iGoogle and Buzz to Labs, Lively and SearchWiki. Are there any you miss?"

Submission + - The dream job? What it's like to live in a porn model mansion. (pornmodelhouse.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Dear Slashdot,

I’m Dave and I work in the porn industry and thought you might like my story. I was the first male allowed to live at the porn model mansion owned by a prolific USA adult talent agency. While in the house I developed the concept of a reality site which we haven't launched called www.pornmodelhouse.com (NSFW). It's a completely unique site showcasing the girls in their element — it’s like porn reality TV but unlike the Kardashians the girls are naked most of the day. I know I know, it was very tough to film.

Living in the house is one of the most bizarre places you could imagine. Talks of TV and Soap operas are replaced with chit-chat about sex toys and you literally are IN the soap opera. You know you're not in Kansas anymore when you've had two conversations in a day with girls happily peeing in a toilet. My knowledge of boob-implants and nail care has also improved dramatically. To top it all off I inadvertently became a porn director, which is not something I can put on my CV.

Here is a trailer for the pornmodelhouse.com site (NSFW) which we have not yet released to the public. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opjrNNc_oU0

As you can imagine, I have a lot of funny anecdotes and extra information that could pull together into a hilarious article. Please let me know if you feel it would be something you would be interested in. Feel free to phone me also :)

Many thanks for your time.


Submission + - MIT's free circuits course received 120,000 registrations (computerworld.com)

dcblogs writes: MIT's free online course, 6.002x: Circuits and Electronics which began in March and ends on June 8, prompted 120,000 registrations. There are more than 6,500 questions posted on the discussion board with midterms next week. Only a fraction of those students will finish the course,but it will still be big number. Stanford's free AI course had 160,000 registration and 23,000 completed it. The open education movement is expanding and quickly. Coursera, which provides an online platform, said this week that it raised $16 million. Stanford, Princeton, University of Penn., Berkeley, will be offering courses on Coursera's platform. Udacity, whose co-founder includes one of the Stanford AI instructors, plans to offer a computer science program similar to a BS. The pricing model that may emerge may be similar to what MIT is considering. Certificates with grades for one course, and a "credential" for completion of a series of courses. Fees for certificates will eventually be charged but MIT says the cost will be very low.

Submission + - Mystery company may be an asteroid mining project (theverge.com)

MMatessa writes: From The Verge: MIT's Technology Review has just gotten news of a mysterious new project that claims it will "create a new industry and a new definition of 'natural resources.'" Space exploration company Planetary Resources will be unveiled in a conference call on Tuesday, April 24th. Besides the audacious announcement, which promises to "overlay two critical sectors — space exploration and natural resources — to add trillions of dollars to the global GDP," what makes this unique is its high-profile support group. The venture is backed by Google executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, director James Cameron, and politician Ross Perot's son, among others.

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