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Comment Re:Viable 3rd Party Candidate?! (Score 1) 553

Not because he'd achieve anything (the machine will lock him out anyway)

I remember when Nader ran. Subtract the fact that the one campaign promise, he reneged on, he'd be a horribly ineffective President. Besides no direct experience, Nader trashed both Dems and Republicans. Who controls power in Washington? Dems and Republicans. Nothing constructive done.

I know politics is messy. It's about humans fighting for things. OF COURSE it's messy. It's baked in. It reminds me of Fawlty Towers... "this business would be great except for the customers". It's part of it.. you can't have politics without mess. Want to ignore it? then you'll be screwed, bitching about it just as if you're bitching about the weather.

I really don't get the "oh he's got no experience in politics, he's PERFECT". if i go to a sushi restaurant, i don't say "oh, this guy has no preconceived notions of food or cleanliness...YAY lets see what interesting things he washes his hands with" Running a big organization, like the federal government, is a big management job. What has stalman done that shows he can manage things? gcc got out of control. emacs? big fight with Lucid emacs. Hurd? not shipping for real yet.

Comment Re:Incorrect. (Score 1) 124

The best metaphor I could come up with was Indentured Servitude... that oddball period of time in colonial days where you sold yourself for a few years for someone to give you a ticket to the Colonies.

In music, you get an advance, and the studio sets up all the people you need to produce your record. But, the advance comes out of future sales. and all those production people take a cut of your ability to pay back the advance. You're property of the music label for a few years until everything gets settled out.

The real fear of digital music was the ability to get away from the leeches. when you can set up a home studio for a few thousand and then push your own music on iTunes, less need for labels. They covered themselves by saying "piracy" but it was really a loss of control.

Comment "Shot across the bow" effect (Score 1) 112

I don't want a new phone, so the plan is a non-starter right there.

But the pricing seems more of a shot across the bow of ATT&T and Verizon. TMobile, and other MVNOs can be cheaper at some levels, but this has the weight of Google behind it. For better and for worse Google is flexing it's muscles in the ISP arena. Google Fiber really is causing changes with AT&T and Comcast. I see this as that - you'll never get Google Fiber/Google FI in every home every phone, but it makes people realize there are other things out there.

Comment Re:Instead... (Score 5, Insightful) 356

Google has an agenda. Their agenda may or may not be the same as mine. More and more recently, their agenda certainly doesn't match mine. They can be "right" for Mr Brin, just not for me.

Google Wave? Google Plus? Forcing Google plus on absolutely everyone then abandoning it? Orkut? Not honoring do-not-track in Safari. The list of places where Google was wrong is non-zero.

Google has the "don't be evil" pledge. That's so weak to be a joke. Imagine an unsafe mining company trying to pull that. "We only killed 3 people this week, so we're not so evil." I'd rather they have "don't be corporate". Their governance structure is specially created where they don't have the pressure of the shareholders - all the power is with the founders and super special stock voting rights.

(An aside - Alibaba could NOT pull the same voting structure in Communist China... the government felt it took away too much power from the shareholder... imagine Google's governance structure being not free enough for Communist China)

Because of the immunity from those pesky shareholders and their short term view, above pretty much all other large publicly traded companies, they have the power to "don't be corporate", but instead they pull things here and there that prove they're just a big corporation and not the panacea they'd like you to believe.

Comment Re:Why the hell ... (Score 1) 119

They probably saw that FreeBSD has been doing it for 15 years [] and thought it might be a good idea.

Though I thought of this too, it's a majorly different level of parsing, and therefore much smaller attack surface.

MS has a full HTTP stack in the kernel. FreeBSD accept filters (including the http_filter) do a minimal check, then pass the full request to userspace - no heavy parsing in the kernel. I think the http_filter just looks for GET/HEAD/WHATEVER_SCHEME and a few other minimal things, and then tells httpd "here ya go"

Comment Re:HTTP.SYS? (Score 1) 119

1) Literally?

2) This is actually pretty common, witness the TUX Linux kernel web server a few years ago.

Why? the same reason anything is dumped into kernel mode. Speed. Got a few thousand hits per second? Drop your userspace code into kernel space, and now you're eliminating a few thousand user-kernel space swap outs per second. Problems? Yeah, lets have a fairly complicated protocol that is designed to be poked at (and therefore hacked at) remotely dropped into the kernel. That and complicated data structures and kernel memory management don't mix well sometimes.

I agree with you. I thought TUX was a bad idea when it came out. Now imagine a new protocol without all the design bugs sorted out, without all the implementation bugs sorted out (i'm looking at you HTTP/2.0 SPDY) dropped into the kernel.. Oy Vey! the pain!

Comment Historical Traffic times? (Score 2) 222

One of the best features of the "old" maps was the historical traffic times. Say I need to be somewhere at 10AM; I can get my route, then some clicketty-click and get what the normal transportation time, with traffic, is. Use that as a guess, with some extra slop and you;ll probably get there on time. I haven't seen this feature in the new maps.

Though hard to bitch about "you get a pretty useful GPS as a (pseudo) freebie*" I hate when Google thinks "yeah, you really want this" when I really don't. Their idea of "you really want this" tends to not be as often as they seem to think. Eg: my distaste for all things Material Design now. Too much wasted space, a big saturated color header with a thin white font inside making it hard to read, too much effort to make that little circle at the bottom right do too many things.

Anyway, rant over.

(*) Free as in "Every google app wants access to your location every second... from Maps (makes sense) Google Now (a bit more sense, but location turned off) to GooglePlus (only google engineers go there anyway) to Google Hangouts (no thanks)"

Comment Not the only dark side (Score 1) 101

Electronics are progressing faster then us meat puppets can deal with. We're going to have issues as electronics have the capability to take over more and more of what us humans do.

When you ask someone, what do you do? You generally get an answer of their job. it's part of our internal definition. what happens when you do nothing (and get paid nothing)?

Comment Re:Oh this is easy .... (Score 2) 394

I've no facebook. I purposely use G+, since no one is on it, and I get some good tech feeds on it. I don't miss social media (and yes, i said I have G+ and say I don't really have social media).

I was on the Internet in pre-web days. FTPspace back then. Sumex-aim anyone? Does anyone else know that Wuarchive is not about the Wu-Tang? Sadly neither responds to pings anymore.....

But even though i saw the web grow, then web 2.0, and now the "everything needs a social network angle" web, I never thought that I'd want to have my personal interactions filtered by and "monetized" by a corporation. If I want to talk to you, we talk, I don't try to get in your newsfeed between the mayonnaise ad and the facebook game.

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