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Comment Or the people can just act like adults. (Score 0) 326

The problems with such rules, means the are plenty of work arounds,

In general booth babes are hired, because they know there are plenty of ongoers who still sexually are teenagers. And use them to attract people to their booth.

However what will happen they will have people dressed to fit the rules. However still be sexy, and they will flirt with the potentional customer anyways.

Comment Re:Symmetric mouse (Score 2) 199

The spine was design to stay at an ideal location, with enough flexibility to accommodate movement. Our hands on the otherwise have joints and muscles designed for more purpose. However some activities, usually in the terms of fine movement, may put more strain than larger movements and grips.

Comment Re:You Congresscritters just don't understand (Score 1) 60

Insightful? More like hippy liberal corporation bashing.
Now this isn't some conservative rant. The FAA should be taking such things carefully, so not to cause problems. However, some of the rules are not focused on more agile aircraft development, where drones are involved there is less needs to verify personal safety, and changes to the drone technology shouldn't need as much screwenty. So unlike a Jet where they decided to change a component, as the safety of the pilot is a major concern, and such change should be completely reviewed. For a drone, just as long it fits in the recommended size and flight area it should be allowed more flexibility in changes without as much FAA review. Being that the overall risk of such changes is so small.

Comment Re:It depends (Score 3, Informative) 486

In general writing to RAM is faster than writing to the disk. However there are things that get in the way of both.
1. OS Memory Management: So you making a small memory string to a big one. So will the os fragment the string, when it comes up to an other systems reserved memory spot. Will it overwrite it (Buffer overflow), will it find a contiguous larger memory block and copy the data there. Will it copy and move the memory slots to a new location away from the memory. Will this be happening preemptively, or when the error condition occurs, will all this stuff happen with a cpu cycle that is not sharing with your app. Also if you are low on memory the system may dump it to the disk anyways.

2. OS Disk management: A lot of the same concerns that memory management has. However a bunch of small request is easier to find free space, then asking for a larger spot. So they may be more seek time.

3. Disk Caching: You tell the program to append to the disk. The OS sends the data to the drive, the drive responds back Yea I got it. then the OS goes back to handling your app, in the mean time your drive is actually spinning to save the data on the disk.

4. How your compiler handles the memory. Data = Data + "STRING" vs. Data+="STRING" vs Data.Append("STRING") vs { DataVal2=malloc(6); DataVal2="STRING"; DataRec->Next = *DataVal2; } You could be spending O(n) time saving your memory where you can be doing in in O(1)

Now sometime I do change my algorithm to write to the disk vs. handling it in memory. Mostly because the data I am processing is huge, and I much rather sacrifice speed, in order to insure that the data gets written.

Comment Re:Do what you can to support this (Score 2) 188

Except for the fact that many of these representatives represent rural communities, where they need to travel miles to even see a local town government official, or police man. This stuff has limited impact on their lives. While the City Folk who see a Homeland security truck parked outside their home feel more threatened.
They rural folk are more likely to see the PA as something that affects other people.

Comment Re:mcedit (Score 2) 119

It appears crazy at first. But it was actually designed rather well as to not have your hand move from the core of the keyboard.
As well vi was one of the first full screen editors. So a lot of terminals had inconsistent keys on the keyboard, you could only really trust the core set. The fact it was using the esc key was pushing it.

Comment Re:Whatever ... (Score 5, Insightful) 141

People where hostile to people with Cell phones in the 1980's, In college back in my day, if a student went to class with a Laptop we were hostile towards them. Portable technology takes a while to get into the culture.

  Google keeps telling us what the future is going to be ... the problem is that future is designed to profit Google. Well Duh! Google isn't going to try to push a product that will put them out of business?

In general Google Glass may or may not make it. However its failure doesn't mean the end. The Apple Newton failed too, from its experience and lessons learned it became the iPhone, and iPad.

Comment Re:It has an acronym , so it will fail. (Score 1) 149

The vast majority of students will never need to know how to analyse literature.
The vast majority of students will never need to know about world history.
The vast majority of students will never need to solve algebraic equations.

Learning to code, isn't about knowing the silly commands, but training your mind into solving problems by breaking them down into elementary instructions. It helps you understand the world and trains your mind into different ways of thinking.

Comment Re:It has an acronym , so it will fail. (Score 1) 149

I think we need to get off this GPA concept.
Right now students with strong in Language skills, get a higher GPA than students who has strong analytical skills.

By keeping the system, such students with stronger analytical skills, will not get credit for what they are good at and will penalized for deficiencies in language skills.

I was able to write code at 6 years of age, I knew more about science than most adults. However in elementary school, I was placed as a troubled student group, because my reading and writing performance was behind my grade level. Sure we had science classes, and a few other classes where I was excelling at, but they were pass/fail... So I was still tagged as the stupid student.

Comment It has an acronym , so it will fail. (Score 4, Insightful) 149

I am all for greater education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. However when they put it in a group called STEM, that makes me nervous.
Just like in the 1990's when they decided to teach kids how to use computers. They had a watered down process. In the 1980s while I was in elementary school, when they taught how to use computer they showed the class how to program, in the 1990's when they really pushed computer education, the focus was on how to use Windows, Word, and Excel. When you make it a requirement, it means the class needs to be watered down, so the average student can get an A+ in the class, otherwise, they would be making a class that could hurt their GPA. Where before, it was an elective class, where the student can take the class if they knew they could do in it.

Comment Re:Spies are sneaky (Score 3, Insightful) 202

Security vs. Liberty, It is always a tradeoff. And basicly we as a culture doesn't want to accept that reality.
If you want the liberty without people spying on you, you will need to be brave enough as an overall population to say, I am willing to accept the Risks to our safety so we can have our liberty. Or if you want to stay secure, we as a population will need to say, We want to be safe, and are willing to trade our liberty for it.

America like to say Land of the Free and Home of the brave. You need to be brave and accept the risks to be free. The more we cower in fear that the popular bad guys of the time will get us, either being the native americans, british, anarchist, communists, terrorists... The more liberties we lose. Or we stand up an say we are willing to take the risks, even it it means those guys will sneak in, but we will have more liberties.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

However Efficiency is one of these numbers used to explain the lack of common sense. Sometimes the best method isn't the most efficient one. How much extra power and wasted disk space are you actually using in your RAID 5 Systems? It is more efficient to have everyone live and work in one building.
But efficiency is only part of the issue. Having a lot of small power generation, while say wasting twice as much power generation, means no wide scale power outages. Also easy to heal environmental wounds.

Comment Re:Careful, they might shoot back (Score 1) 336

They obviously don't care if a person succeeds or not. They only want their name in the media. They share the PR school of Miley Cyrus. They want articles saying that they are attacking people on the mainland US. That will help them win or loss. They want to project international power.

They don't care about the past (destroying ancient Assyrian artifacts) and they obviously don't care about the future (declaring war on the world, killing huge chunks of the population in their area). They only live in the now. The question isn't if they will succeed in their goal. The question is, how long will they be around to annoy / terrorize / kill us all.

They quite literally think they are bringing on the end of days as is in their literature.

Why worry about a few petty details if your goal is "end of the world"?

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