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Comment After the cold war ended (Score 1) 212

After the wall came down in Berlin, GHW Bush commented that the intel focus would shift away from military targets to economic targets. I don't remember the exact words, but that shift in focus stuck in my mind. The cold war was an economic war. The USSR didn't have the infrastructure to survive an extended global war and we knew it. All we needed to do was keep the pressure on, force them to spend more on their military and wait. Osama bin Laden tried that same tactic on us and GW Bush fell for it hook line and sinker.

Comment Re:adaware (Score 1) 184


Similar story here, when I left an IE session open on Drudge and went to sleep.

Woke up and saw "Antivirus 2009" or some such crapware.

Turned out to be 2 0-day exploits to javascript and pdfs to load executable code.

Insult to injury was I turned off javascript in pdfs explicitly and an update turned it back on. Son of a beeyotch.

Flew under the radar of Symantec 9 or 10, IIRC. Sucked because I was still in .edu and had no time for that kinda shite, but dealt with it just the same.

Now it is the "only if I allow it" kinda rule...even then there is a 90% chance of "oh, hell no!".

Comment Re:The more poor that sign up, the more the rich p (Score 1) 586

Even before the roll out the ACA has saved my family a few thousand dollars. The free mammograms and other preventative care exams that fall under the law have allowed my family to get checkups without having to worry about paying for them. Both my wife and I were uninsurable. I had to sell my business and get a government job to obtain health insurance. If the ACA was in effect back in the 80's, I might still have my business.

Comment A private sector fail. (Score 0) 586

The first failure was the state government believing Oracle could build the site. Oracle promised but didn't deliver, and now the state is taking the blame. Maybe Oregon should call Kentucky and copy what they are doing. Even a "hick" like gov Beshear knows that if you want it done right, you do it yourself.

Comment The mentality (Score 1) 165

We have no friends, only enemies and potential enemies. We only cooperate when it serves our interests. Every country knows they are being monitored, but don't admit it in public. You don't want your adversaries to know you know what they are doing to you. You want to know what your competitor is looking for. Only part of the spying is military, much of the spying could be called industrial espionage.

Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 1) 668

Gulf War Vet who is not missing the point over here.

That money is being wasted isn't the fault of the agencies that are shutting down.

I think the shrimp on a treadmill, study of the drinking habits of Brazilian prostitutes and a host of other forms of waste would beg to disagree.

I mean, WTF...over.

It's the fault of the Republicans who're holding the entire country hostage in a blatantly un-Constitutional attempt to repeal majority-supported legislation

Oh, you mean the *FORMER* democratic majority that rammed it through in the dead of nite on

First: Current congress is not beholden to a previous congress.

Second: "Power of the Purse" is there to keep the Executive branch in check.

Third: "Holding hostage"...are you fucking kidding me? This must be that "calm rhetoric" I keep hearing
so much about.

They've tried dozens of times to repeal the legislation through the normal legislative process and failed miserably each time; now, they're determined to wreck the national economy (with the shutdown) and possibly even the global economy (with the default) if the majority doesn't give in to their demands. They've shot multiple prisoners already (don't forget the ongoing sequester!) and are now threatening to blow up the whole building.

At least 7 of those "failures" have been passed and signed into law by the Prezzie.

New word time: Conflating. Two separate issues, bro.

The sequester was a 2% reduction in growth of the 5+% in spending YOY.

See, here is the thing: recall that a democracy is "two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner" and
a REPUBLIC is "the same situation with a well armed sheep contesting the vote."

Can you say "contesting the vote?...I knew you could."

"Blow up the whole building"...really, again?

Such a shame we live in a place that's rested so much on its laurels and is now so far behind the times.


We have a winner!

That, I agree with. So many "useful idiots" vote 'black prez' first time and 'single issue' the second time over "jobs, economy, competence/leadership" even if you ignore the IRS targeting, NSA wiretaps and FBI investigation of anyone who disagrees with the 'community organizer in chief'.

Shame on all of them for staying home out of fear of reprisal. (I understand, but at least the WWII vets stood
up, as did the Vietnam vets).

Gulf War question: "y'all pissed off enough yet? Because we are next, I think."

To Quote (Dingy) Harry Reid: "We won't negotiate with a gun to our head."

I'd like to test that theory, asshole....just keep pushing vets around.

When you make a 40-something want to give his life for his've fucked up.


Remember your oath: "...against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC..."

Comment Re: The alternative (Score 1) 492

Just do two days of fasting, and eat normal meals the other days. It seemed like you were trying too hard. I will soon be fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. tomorrow I will have, for my fast day, baked Salmon and grilled vegetables. It will be a wonderful under 600 calorie meal. You need to find a plan you can live with. Remember, it is a marathon, not a sprint. Allow some flexibility. Don't be too strict with yourself.

Comment Re: The alternative (Score 1) 492

Eat less. Try a method like Alternate day fasting. No pills, no charts, no bullshit. Eat regular diet on feast days, 500- 600 in one meal on fast days. You can do it every other day, or 5 days feast, 2 days fast. I'm doing it now and have lost 20 lbs. I haven't had to feed big pharma, or buy some diet guru's book.

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